So, are there any guilds looking for new members for WotLK?

I assume that even with no announcement about the name of the new fresh servers, friends and guild mates on Retail will be planning their move to WotLK.

I will be looking to give it a go. I did not start playing till Cataclysm, so this will be fresh to me at least. I’m looking to join up with a guild, preferably on EST.

If you are in that guild, please let me know. Thanks.

They did that in the Burning Crusade Classic forum.

There are fresh start guilds advertising in that forum so you may want to check it out.


Thanks for the heads up /salute

where are those advertisements? I’ve been scrolling through there.

My apologies.
The announcement I linked was in the TBCC General Discussion forum.
The guild listings are in the WoW Classic New Guild Listings forum.
Guilds recruiting for the fresh servers:

Just some examples. Sorry for any confusion.