Get in line, where is the Pandaren, goblin & gnome customization? All they’re really getting is new hair colors and styles, they don’t get a whole new none bone option.
Screw your “get in line” crap you can do them all.
The no bone thing is hardly new since it existed in China as far back as Burning Crusade. On your hard drive this entire time just waiting for a 0 to be turned into a 1.
? Even if it were an official thing on the America’s server it is still MORE customization then a gnome even though it’s not new. The other races I listed deserve new and unique options more than the Undead.
The majority of modern forsaken never had time to rot. Most resurrected either instantly on the spot mid battle or at the latest post battle.
Why does anyone need makeup? What does undead have to do with not getting makeup?
Dead Citizens* of Lordaeron. Citizens which included high elves, dwarves, and gnomes. Also Silvermoon got pulled into the mix as well. The forsaken are called “forsaken” under a united brand because they’ve all been forsaken by their original homes. They never were just people from Lordaeron, but a mix of everyone from the northern kingdoms. Lordaeron just filled the majority of the pop.
And considering all that since dwarf and gnome forsaken are a bit out of the question since you’d have to create brand new assets for that then find a way to let you pick between the subraces of a faction to make it doable. Slapping an optional elf ear onto the model is a much better compromise especially since both Lordaeron and Silvermoon are the top two contributors to the forsaken population.
Forsaken got forgotten in the Allied race game, so it’s only fair they get a little more customization.
I think the #1 most overlooked race for customization will be Tauren.
Trolls and Dwarves are going to be able to play every iteration of their subraces while Void/Blood Elves will be able to play half-elves and high elves.
Meanwhile, Yaungol and Taunka (low hanging fruit) is being left out of customization options.
It’s a shame.
I really want to see old Victorian-style jewelry on Forsaken
Because they would literally require new models…???
Trolls “new” sub races are different skin colors which tauren are getting.
Dwarves “new” sub races are different tattoos which tauren are getting.
Void/blood elves “new” sub races are different eye colors which tauren are getting.
Taurens are also getting new hair decorations like flowers, feathers, totems, etc. new horn styles, new headdresses, new necklaces, new earings, new nose piercings, new face paints.
Tauren are DEFINITELY not the race lacking customization.
Forsaken options:
- Skin Color - 6
- Hair Style - 18
- Features - 8
- Face - 10
- Hair Color - 9
- Total - 51
Goblin options:
- Skin Color - 9
- Hair Style - 17
- Ears - 11
- Face - 10
- Hair Color - 9
- Total - 56
Goblins were actually one of the better races. The first and probably only race that lets you customize both their nose and chin shapes. And their hairstyles are top quality and not lazy garbage like half of the forsaken ones. I wish I could just get some of those goblin hairstyles copy/pasted directly onto my forsaken. They even got little skulls keeping their hair tied up which fit a forsaken theme more than a goblin theme.
Like I’m all for having more races getting more options. But there’s no need for “LOL GET IN LINE” as if you can only do one race or the other. Especially since Forsaken have been in the game since launch and have had the least amount of options out of all the core races for over a decade and counting. Everything they got in shadowlands merely brings them to the same level as other races at the bare minimum.
You gotta keep in mind they’re also the only race that I know of (outside allied races, that i haven’t checked yet) who don’t even get unique DK themed skins. Every other Death Knight gets around 3 brand new skin colors unique to only them. In addition to new haircolors as well. Forsaken get no new hair or skin for being the hero class.
it’s the same model.
Just different horns and fur colors.
And…??? There are no other races getting a new model
They’re not new models
ok troll.
That is what I want to see the most.
These are the current customization options which is pretty irrelevant when we are talking about the customization coming in shadowlands, I can already see that goblins have 12 skins colors whilst undead have 11 but I can’t be bothered going through all of the numbers.
I know that the undeads ‘feature’ customization and ‘decay level’ customization options are wayyy more unique than changing your ear style though. Maybe you will counter me in saying that it’s all subjective and all you care about is the number of customization options then I would counter again by saying gnomes only have 8 skin color options on the beta. Get in line.
It’s not “pretty irrelevant” when you were wondering why forsaken got touched on in shadowlands before goblins. GJ ignoring the fact the ‘ear’ does more than change ears though. Because like I said the only race in the game that can change their nose shape and chin shape are goblins.
They also just got a new model so it’s the highest quality model in the game right now. The reason it took so long to make it was because their starting model was already higher quality than the vanilla models so it was rightfully put on the backburner. Not because they were “ignoring” goblins.
And for the final time, you can have both new forsaken options and goblin options. Stop acting like this is an “either or” situation. If you want more goblin options why don’t you make your own goblin topic? Feel free to actually list constructive criticism and list things like I did.
Want to know what helpful criticism is? “This thing sucks, and here’s why. Here’s what can be done better.”
Want to know what isn’t helpful? “This thing sucks.”
Guess which category your posts fall into? Thanks for the free bumps but I’m not gonna argue with you anymore.
You’re the one acting as if this is an either or situation… I literally said get in line, which doesn’t mean get out of the line. I want all races including the allied races to get more customization but still there are races e.g. gnomes that need customization more than Undead right now.
None the less I cba writing something countering everything you say forever so… bye
I agree 100%. There are some great idea’s here. The character creation options are way behind other games & could easily be made to offer most of the idea’s here. Having an upright posture option like the Orcs received would be my first choice too though.
I just need them to fix my sewn face and skully lady options. WoD ruined them imo. Also make those dumb eyelashes optional.