So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

Is varying shades of blue. Nelf zones are purples and greens.

It have tree it must be nelf zone.

Uhh. We are back at it again?

So you are just going to come here, at more than 1700 post, just avoiding all the discussion that happened and spreading the same non-sense as the very first post…


So if a zone was hard coded for orcs, as ardenweald has been for night elves (including one single race having different interactions to it), but one worgen, one dwarf, and three trolls showed up, would you say that it wasn’t an orc zone?

Nevermind that the only thing that looks like death in Ardenweald is the invading force? Bastion is full of literal angels. Revendreth has vampire bitey bois. Maldraxxus doesn’t need to be explained. All of these are death related. But Ardenweald? One of these things is not like the others. :musical_note:

Why is rebirth death related? Because the night elves’ emerald dream needed a rewrite to force them into content they weren’t related to. We’ve already seen where wild gods went when they died.

And a casual, friendly reminder:
Night Elfae.
They didn’t even try to hide it. They’re just adding non elves after the fact to stymie discontent.

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You’re really stretching to make it a night elf specific zone Treng. And death is a natural part of rebirth, so what is wrong with Ardenweald representing the death side of things?

What I want to know is if it’s supposed to be the like death and rebirth side then why isn’t like… Fall and wintery? She’s the Winter Queen and there isn’t an ounce of snow. Nevermind Treng’s never ending rageboner for anything even microscopically relating to Night Elves. Why isn’t it a land of hibernating trees with no leaves and lots of pretty fall colors and stuff covered in perpetually fresh fallen snow?

I love how people try to boil down the entire conversation to this. Really highlights how y’all are so fixated on playing your victim card that you have to go straight for the most disingenuous dismissal possible.


I’m not. No race has a tie to night, stars, deciduous forests, wild gods, dryad-like-races, ysera, or elune as night elves do.

But life shouldn’t have anything to do with death as a power. They’re polar opposites. The only time we’ve had polar opposites combined, it’s been because of corruption: Void corrupting light, light corrupting void, fel corrupting order, order dominating fel. These things are shown as not the natural way of the cosmos.

But here, life dominates not only a specific shadowland, but one of the most important?


They completely reworked how the setting worked, how Blizzard has previously shown the setting worked, to force night elf content (again, no other race has all of the ties that night elves do, to Ardenweald. Interactions keyed specifically and only to night elves, dryad-races, ysera, night deciduous forest with no other biomes, precluding any other race’s gods feeling at home ie: sharks), literal stars falling from literal trees, elune sending her avatars there as their afterlife.

But you didn’t answer my earlier question, friendo. No sweat or anything, but I feel pretty strongly if this zone had orc feels, the forum’s opinion would be very flipped:

If you look around at the actual zone, there are more lands hidden behind the mists, so there’s actually a lot of land we currently are not seeing. Maybe there are frozen wastelands there

you know what, I have a wormhole generator. I’m going to test this hypothesis and see if it’s any different than Revendreth.

Than it would’ve had orc feels. I said it before, I PERSONALLY don’t care either way,I would still love the zone, regardless if it was 1000% orc, troll or Tauren themed. It’s simply beautiful.

Let me know if you find anything interesting hun hugs :gift_heart:

I mean that’s fine. I’m not saying you’re wrong for liking the zone. I’m saying Blizzard was wrong for making it.

They really aren’t though. I could say blizz was wrong for making Revendreth because I dislike the vampire tropes there. It works both ways.

But that isn’t my argument.

Welp, I wasted time dying in Revendreth.
Ardenweald is just literally an endless deciduous forest. Screw sea/lake wild gods. Screw desert wildgods. Screw snow-region wild gods, mountainous wild gods, savanna wild gods, jungle wild gods, and plains wild gods.

The only wild gods who will feel at home in Ardenweald’s ever night deciduous forest, with elune’s stars falling from its trees, are the ones who felt at home in Ashenvale.

Totally unrelated: good lord death knight friends, do not go frost. I tried it for this excursion. What a travesty.

There is sort of an irony that any zone “with trees” is considered an NE zone for arguments sake on Kalimdor tho. That being said, Alliance players tend to default to this idea that if its content thats not directly dealing with internal Alliance affairs, its not Alliance content in any way. Not even thematically. Which is why Legion was NOT an “Alliance Expansion”, despite the fact that it was drowned in Alliance themes, characters, and moments. And the Horde could have been written out without changing a thing.

Granted, they never really discuss the issues of trying to write “Internal Alliance Content” when the faction is never really allowed “Internal Alliance Issues” to overcome. They’re kept far too pure for such things.


The wild gods in Ardenweald spend most of their time in a coccoon being resurrected before being thrown back onto their world, I highly doubt they have much time to visit the place.

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When they have somewhere to return to, that’s absolutely true.

Get hecked if you lost your world, though.

Wondering what the Fish Wild God of Aliothe’s world is doing right about now

flopping in an ankle deep river? perhaps flopping in the shrouded mire?


Yep. And worlds getting destroyed isn’t even uncommon. That was the Legion’s passtime.

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