So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

1720 replies suggest no, we cannot agree on pretty much anything.

I disagree with your implication that we can ever agree!


This is a forum!THERE’S NO AGREEING HERE!!!


I can agree to the fact that Ardenweald looks more Night elven than other races. It’s just that it’s, for a lack of better word, more. More fey, and more magical, than any zone we’ve seen yet. The Night elven zones feel very muted compared to Ardenweald.

Is it really that fanatical to say that arresting Talanji was somewhat warrented, because she was with Zul? Course, that reason wasn’t given, which felt really stupid to me. The Alliance had every reason to want Zul captured, and they would have aprehended Talanji because she was with him. Not because they cared about her, but because she could possibly be working together with Zul.

And i’m well the Alliance isn’t flawless. I’m just saying they had good reason to aprehend Zul, and Talanji because of her possible ties with him.

I been saying it since day one that it has NE themes, but that doesn’t make it a NE specific zone :gift_heart:

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So you’re all for locking up leaders of other races? Also how would the alliance have known prophet Zul was on that ship to begin with?

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Agreeing is a weakness that must be beaten with…a popcorn kernel and…something something snarky :gift_heart:

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Something something darkside. . . Something something horde. . . lol

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If they are in the company of people like Zul, yes. Only temporarely, but until their innocence is affirmed.

I have no idea. A scout spotted them? Magic? How did they get caught in the first place?

Right … but that is a traditional fantasy trope. The Elves of traditional fantasy settings reflect the feywilds, but as beings of the material plane (or in this case, the land of the living) they are just a reflection. Thats why when you go into the Emerald Dream for example, the saturation and hue are dialed up to 11 there too; just like Ardenweald. This is pretty fantasy 101 stuff here. Its all over the place.

The NE zones were created to reflect the Emerald Dream, which appears to be some part of the Spring and Summer that is Ardenweald’s Fall and Winter. Which means that yes, Ardenweald is VERY, VERY NE themed.


And nobody is really arguing that specific part though. Everyone pretty much agrees it has NE themes. Just the contention comes as to whether it was made with solely Kaldorei in mind…and judging by the NPCs there, you would be hard pressed to call it a NE specific zone

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I never said a single tone about talanji’s capturing o.O

Traveling through alliance waters more than likely.

I would say that Ardenweald was made with consideration towards the NEs, but that is about as far as I’ll go. Its very clear mechanically that the zone is liable to give some sort of resolution to the NE’s situation at the end of BfA; and thus the callbacks to Azeroth will have quite a bit of focus there. There is also attempts to clean up the mess that is Vol’jin, as well as a bit thrown towards building up Bwon for resolution with Talanji’s side of things. Though I’m not sure how far either will progress.

Frankly, Ardenweald has a bit of a “lets try to deal with leftover mistakes from the writing of the last expacs” vibe to it. And since the biggest of those mistakes and unresolved problems was NE related, its not surprising that they will get more of the focus outside of Ardenweald’s own zone story.


Then what are we arguing about? They would see Zul, persona non grata, and someone else beside him. Do you think it would be wise to just let him paddle away because the person next to him might not be his partner in crime?

Are you saying every alliance navy man just knows what zul looks like? That they gave his poster plastered on their ships?

I’d argue there aren’t many mugs like Zul’s around. The scouts, or whoever spotted him, would send information back to hq, where they would then, realistically, recognize who he is, and order him to be aprehended. That seems reasonable to me, especially in a world with magic.

Not that I personally have a problem with it. The weekly chapters I admit have been really engaging, and questing with Huln this week, was a nice litttle touch they threw in there.

Either way you look at it, it’s still the most beautiful zone Blizz has done in a REALLY long time

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Still an affront to another national power for capturing what where considered “dignitaries” that where not at the time formally at war with the alliance.

Alright I can agree with that. But weren’t the Zandalari, or at least Zul’s part of it, at war with the Alliance during mop? They were at the very least attacking Dalaran forces at the isle of Thunder, who at the time were Alliance aligned. Was a peace treaty ever written?

Never one officially declared as far as I’m aware. In fact, as far as the world is concerned, the Zandalari has technically been at war with everyone thanks to Zul since Cataclysm. That didn’t just randomly stop, it more was just never brought up again after the Isle of Thunder.