So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

Anyone who really did the questline know that the questline is as much tauren related as maldraxxus is human and orc because of draka and morgraine.

The goal of the quesline is to find help to save Tyrand. Tauren have absolutely no relevance at all it that. People were saying that it is a tauren story only before it was out and seeing that it wasn’t at all.

Than you manage to say that ventyr,necrolord and kyrian are more tied to a azeroth race than night fae who are nearly everything the night elf stand.

Once again, that was all assumption people were saying month ago before playing the game and learning more of the story. People who now play the game realised that the Kyrian had nothing in common with human except for the look.

You just sound like someone who haven’t played the game and only read a bit about it on the internet.

If you’re trying to imply that only night elves would join the Night Fae, you’re wrong. It has night elf themes, but that doesn’t make it a night elf only zone.

Ardenweald is literally for anyone with a strong tie to nature, and there’s a lot of races outside of the kaldorei with strong ties to nature, can we just stop with this nonsense? And also, we know De Other Side is it’s own pocket realm, yet you people claim it’s not fair that it’s also not tied to Ardenweald…like I tried being nice, but damn, the horde/trolls aren’t the only ones who’ve suffered.

You say you can’t take his comment serious, well I can’t take your recent one serious.


I am not implying that only night elf would go there but that Ardenweal is the zone who would have a bigger representation of one single race which is the night elf.

The 3 other zone are nearly equality split between every race. Meanwhile, it is safe to assume that most of the night elf would go to Ardenweal. Which is why all the night elf soul we rescue are going directly into Ardenweal and none of them are going somewhere else.

As i said, the only other race that go nearly all in the same place is troll with the other side which is way more exclusive but which isn’t a part of Ardenweal. It have some connection with the Ardenweal story but is clearly its own thing.

I mean the guy clearly said that the last Night fae story was tauren stuff… And that the other 3 covenant was more tied to a playable race than night fae is for night elf…

We’re artificially dumping them in Ardenweald ourselves, we in fact have no idea where most of them would up if the system was working as intended. The ONLY beings who have a strict tie to Ardenweald are the Wild Gods/Loa. That’s it.

And as far as the Tauren stuff? Sure, that’s ridiculous, but we also just met a Night Warrior from another planet. Point is, Ardenweald isn’t Night elf specific, it just happens to be the only convenant that’s dealing with the problem.

None of the convenants have any particular azerothian flavor/racial tie. They’re all pretty unique. You guys are so damn obsessed with what you DIDN’T get, that I think you’re truly missing all the unique new NPCs each zone has introduced to us.


This really helps.
Convoke the Spirits Night Fae - Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec.


To me, it’s not really enough that Blizzard just labels it “nature” but how they choose to present it as well. It’s always magical forests, and there’s only one race that also shares that connection in my mind.

Honestly I wasn’t all that pleased to see Huln show up. It just seemed like a cheap cameo for its own sake and could have been subbed out for an actual Night Fae race and the only thing you’d really lose is Shandris going “oh hi I remember you,” which isn’t really worth anything in my opinion.

Edit: I suppose it fits in a meta sense, given how tauren seem grafted on in druid content to begin with.


Hulns not a Druid though, he’s a well known and respected hunter, and the fact that even the Night Fae are impressed with his skills, was nice to see.

From a meta perspective though, a lot of you guys are letting this perpetual victim complex that gets overblown helluva lot, to cloud a legitimately good expansion so far.

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I might have difficulty to explain my self since english isn’t my first language but why i mean’t ins’t that Ardenweal itself is tied to the night elf as all the four covenant are universe scale thing that wouldn’t care about any of or race but that on the other way, night elf is the race who is the more tied to one of the covenant.

Which was a count argument for that guy who said that every other covenant was more tied to our faction…

I never said that i hate that zone. In fact my main is night fae and Ardenweal is for me the most beautifull zone that Wow ever had. I just love being there.

The point of my thread was about the fact that people claimed that troll was as relevant as night elf in the zone which is completely wrong. I have no problem with the zone itself using a lot of the night elf fantasy as it was always one of the most beautifull fantasy in the game and it lead us to this.

My problem with it is first: This is also suppose to be the ‘‘troll’’ afterlife content, which is a big deal for them and yet all we had was 1/4 pf a dungeon and a few quesline that just let know that troll stuff isn’t really welcomed in Ardenweal.

Second: I already know that it still won’t be enough for night elf player and we are still gonna see a ton of thread about how blizzard hate the night elf and how they should give them more despite the fact that they already overshadowed what the troll got.

I also have a small issue with how it doesn’t represent enough the ‘‘death’’ part of the nature and how every death stuff related like the drust is see as a threat instead of being a part of the circle. But this is a other subject and at least the absence of death stuff lead us to a beautiful zone.

I don’t really want to go in a big argument with you as as respect you and once take you for one of those night elf fanatic, which i excuse myself for it. I just saw a couple of your post arguing for the night elf here and though that you was one of those so called ‘‘neutral’’ poster like Zair who are just alliance fanatic that call them neutral just to make people believe that their opinion isn’t biased.


I know Huln’s not a druid. I was just being snippy about tauren relevance in general.
SL is…eh, I’m taking this like WoD. Just a time waster and not something to fully separate from the expansion that preceded it. I’m only liking the bits that don’t have immediate Azeroth ties.

Oh, okay, I get where you’re coming from now and that’s a perfectly fine assessment that. I apologize if I came off as angry towards you. :gift_heart:

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The problem with this is the Drust aren’t even in the circle of life and death, it’s why they’re invading Ardenweald so they can rebirth themselves back into the cycle and pull them out of the horror that is Thros.

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It make sense the way that blizzard end up doing their story for them but i feel like i could have make more sense if blizzard decide to make them a part of the circle instead.

Even more since Ardenweal is suppose to be the opposite of the emerald dream which is all about life and which relate more with life druid. Ardenweal relating which is the emerald version but in the death realm would make sense to relate more with the death version of druid.

Well the reason the Drust are the way they are is because thros the realm they’re all bound to, it’s actually a part of the emerald nightmare. The drust never knew those dark energies came from that dark part of the dream, and when Gorak Tull with his people escaped they started becoming twisted parodies of Druids like any who consort with the powers of the nightmare.

Fanatic? Tell me a single fanatic position :wink:

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The ancient Drust used to live in harmony with nature , their ways preserving the balance of the wilds. When humans started to settle Kul Tiras and the region of Drustvar, the Drust and their King Gorak Tul declared war on them. However, not all Drust agreed with this, and the Thornspeakers left Drust society.

As the war went on, the desperate Drust called onto dark powers. Unbeknownst to them, they had reached the Emerald Nightmare Their fallen warriors would find refuge in Thros, an offshoot of the Nightmare which they named differently as they were not aware of what the Nightmare was. Having run out of living warriors in his war, Gorak Tul began to bind his people’s souls to stone constructs. Though the Waycrests had wiped out the Drust, they did not succeed in killing Gorak Tul, who had escaped.

You, sir, are a hordefanatic like treng and in no simple shape better than the one who you accuse of whining, so stop be a silly or a hypocrite. You open this entire Thread as WHINE-THREAD!

boaah, its almost enough…this “WE HORDE HAVE IT SO BAD” Behavior are the same people who in the same - in the same second - the other faction speak down or say they have NO problems.

Shut up, man, thats all i have to say about guys likes you, try to be neutral, or stop writing, this is a story forum not a “RP Forum”. people like you, are no better than Elea or the other night elffanatics.

The thing that upsets me the most is this hypocrisy, this hypocrisy, because if it was the other way around, and the Alliance had wiped out Orgrimmar, represented like the WOT, in a scenario, and everything that goes with it, people like you would be crying all the time too, and then you dare to accuse others of that very fact, really? I’ve seen a lot of hypocrites here, but you’ve just topped it all, disgusting behaviour I call it.

From a pure story perspective, without a playerbase action armory, the Horde should not even exist as a political faction anymore, if we leave everything out of it, everything that metawise plays into this, but look purely at the story, the “consequences” the Horde received are just too laughable for what has been committed.

So we are lucky that we had the faction player plot armour. In a WC game, the horde would probably have been wiped out or stop existing as a political faction, because blizzard had no problem with that. Remember wc2…thats the way it would have ended…no horde anymore.

That is just you first post the other day… You just started by calling me a horde fanatic, than continue by raging a telling me to **** up and finish by saying that the horde have plot armour for being alive…

That and the fact that all you do on the forum is saying that the night elf and the alliance are victim, that the horde is just evil, that the alliance never ever did wrong,etc. Than you end up saying ‘’ i am neutral’’ which no one believe.


Interesting how you inteprete this, but…for the full context, you should post you’re answer before.

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Point he’s making is…everyone knows your anything but neutral, so just stop pretending.

Least I think that was his point.


You mean this??? Because this is the post you reply to.

Which is funny because all you and Morghel did after that was saying how worst you had it and how you were a bigger victim than the horde while we only tried to said that we had it as worst. Not worst, as worst but you guy can’t even deal with it, you have to be even more of a victim.

This is the post which you reply with so much rage and by telling me to **** up, which i got silence for way less than that.

And if you wonder why i take you for a fanatic, it is because you are basically like the person which i was addressing my post, have the same option as him and act he same way as him. That said person is such a fanatic incapable of seeing any wrong in the alliance that even take Talanji as responsible for being capture by the alliance and the alliance was in the right to capture a princess because of ‘‘assumption’’.

The same kind of thing he end up doing in this thread and which as a non-neutral end up agreeing with and defending.

Can we all just agree that Ardenweald is clearly NE themed in its design?

The color pallet; the giant fey-wild like forests that only have strong associations with the NEs; the fey themselves being reflective of the Dryads and Fairydrakes of NE zones; the large focus on saving Ysera. Who, like it or not has very strong relations with the NEs. She doesn’t have close links to any other PC race, no matter how “neutral” she is officially as a Dragon Aspect.

There is no representation of nature that would be associated with any other race, beyond the Drust; who are an invasive antagonistic force. There are no other biomes within the Fall and Winter of Life beyond those Fey Forests. This does not make it an NE zone, but the theme is definitely there.