So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

I was more disappointed with the garrosh story because he started the war with good intent, after night elves reneged on trade agreements and hunting rights in ashenvale. And then we had that great scene in stone talon but then his character devolved from there, I know I know stone talon was a miscommunication but I loved that version of Garrosh.

The moment he threw his own general over the cliff for killing those innocent druids was one of the best moments Cata had, and there weren’t many. Which is why I guess people remember it so fondly :gift_heart:

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Exactly and it’s why I had high hopes for garrosh.

Overlord Krom’gar: Watch now, Cliffwalker, as this battle comes to its glorious conclusion.

High Chieftain Cliffwalker: You are about to cross a terrible threshold, Krom’gar. May the Earth Mother have mercy on your soul.

Overlord Krom’gar: Look upon the world, Cliffwalker, and see the might of the Horde!

Garrosh Hellscream: What have you done, Krom’gar?

Overlord Krom’gar: Warchief! I… I was carrying out your command!

Garrosh Hellscream: My command?

Garrosh Hellscream: Was my command to murder innocents, Krom’gar?

Overlord Krom’gar: Warchief… Sir… I…

Garrosh Hellscream: Am I a murderer, Krom’gar?

Overlord Krom’gar: No, Warchief!

Garrosh Hellscream: Then I ask you again: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!

Garrosh Hellscream: I sent you into Stonetalon Mountains with an army. Your orders were to secure this land for the Horde.

Garrosh Hellscream: Instead, you laid waste to the land. Murdered innocents. Children even…

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What blizz did to Garrosh was criminal. Guy had a legit chance at being a good Morally Grey warchief. I liked him during Cata even as a worgen player. I at least got his motives for wanting Gilneas. What blizz did to him during MoP though…

I thought the port was only an excuse to get forsaken killed to begin with.

It was, which is why I get why he was doing it. It wasn’t a grudge against gilneas, he just wanted the forsaken to beat themselves against gilneas’ walls as the gilneans whittle down their forces.

I doubt he knew there was a city full of wolf men that would embarrass the forsaken so handily and forced them to retreat.

Meow. :cat:

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Confused pupper stare :gift_heart:

I’m saying Galenorn is displaying cattiness worthy of the Real Housewives by implying that involving any Horde characters in that storyline would be “villain vs villain.”


Ahh. Blizzard does seem to have this raging hate hard on about the horde though. They refuse to give them any Good Guy moments.

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Only good guy moments Hordies are allowed to have is when they help Alliance fight the Horde.


That’s…not what anyone wants though. Though that fits with blizzards idea of a good time for horde players.


Hey, that’s not true at all!

We also get to be the good guys when we hang around in the background and help the Alliance fight other bad guys too!


If we sit on the floor in oribos, near alliance Lich king, we can use our big boy words and really scare that big ol’ meanie head of a Jailer! That’ll show ‘em who’s boss!

No. It even has tauren related stuff now. It’s by far the only zone where you can at least enjoy having different faction races relate to it. It’s also the only really neutral sided covenant. The others you can already pin point which allied race might go to X faction.


OK you clearly didn’t even play the zone and just came here without real argument…

The ‘‘tauren’’ stuff is just one HM tauren ancestor who is actually going to help us for the Tyrand story quest. So not tauren stuff but just more night elf stuff.

Ardenweal being the most neutral???Are you serious??? Ardenweal is the zone that is the most tied to only one race which is night elf. It is actually the one who asked us to take the soul from one specific race.

Only troll have a more specific after life and it isn’t even a part of the Ardenweal.

You are saying that you wouldn’t know with faction the night fae people would join? The night fae people who are just a other version of dryad/keeper who are also all about nature living in a other version of the emerald dream???

How are kyrian more tied to human, venthyr more tied to the horde than night fae are tied to the night elf??? Only necrolord are somehow tied to the forsaken as both are tied to the scourge but that all. We don’t even have forsaken related story in maldraxxus and both aren’t serving the same purpose at all.

Sorry but i just can’t take you comment serious.


stopped reading right here. tldr

OK so you can’t read a whole text… Probably what you did with the zone.

No. You just have an ignorant assumption of how things are in the game. I can’t relate to that logic.

Not suprising considering the jiberish you wrote above.