So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

I would assume because even the prototype Azerite ammunition used in the WoT proved how oppressive it was in the hands of the Horde; so them having absurdly large stockpiles of it would be a very bad thing for the NEs. But I get your point. Though I am still bitter about being regressed to largely BC era tech and tactics in the WoT. Outside of a few Cata Era Goblin Shredders, we were reduced so much from the WoD level of development.

EDIT: Like, I get that the Horde fleet was decimated in Legion … but the entire thing? To the point where the only ships we had in the WoT were ones we stole from the NEs? How the hell were we even expecting to get onto Teld to capture it without boats OR airships? Wut?!!

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I’m gladly they changed the deathcamps in the 8.1 ptr, otherwise the horde would be in no better position as the 3. Reich

I dunno. Intercontinental Ballistic Catapults accurately striking Teldrassil from Darkshore is pretty high tech by BC-era standards!

I’m being snarky, not serious.


Yeah, thats the point. Blizz thought it would be cooler this way, show how terrible the legionswar was, even the most common army equipmemt was gone!

How terrible and metal this legion were!! And how awesome we are to end them!

Cut or not, I feel like that stuff’s going to hang over the faction, and especially Belmont, forever. Just look at Aethas; for whatever reason, his thing about looking the other way was supposed to play but didn’t, yet everyone holds it against him as if it did anyway.

Of course, Aethas is a stupid character beyond that, but still.

I disagree. It’ll take a lot of work and realistically it’s probably more effort than anyone on the story team is willing to put it. But it can be repaired. But concessions have to be made on both sides of the fence.

The rest of your post I already agreed with earlier.

LOL, i get it. That was just so dumb.

Not only the SUPER catapults, but the absurd reality that the Horde has ordinance that can deliver a payload over that distance. Its just us getting to have it would mean that Blizz couldn’t regress the Horde by over a decade in how it fought. Hell, if you really think about it, the Horde navy and airforce is miles ahead of the NE’s. Why did we even need to go through Ashenvale and Darkshore to hit Teld?

I seem to recall us fielding both Airships and our WoD Steamships during the invasion points. We had a friggen aircraft carrier on the board in one of them, supported by several WoD era Destroyers. We also had submarines in certain parts of BfA. All of which were using that new Azerite ammunition. My god, there was no consistancy at all?! The WoT was just Blizz wanting to stoke that WC3 Nostalgia!


And failing miserably at it.


Sadly, yes, so to speak, belmont is salted earth now, maybe they should not release him and let him be frozen for all eternity.

Then narrativwise, hes now a remember of blizz “glorius” idea to make him a leader of deathcamps. So hes dead either way

He’s already free. You free both him and Feranell during the Darkshore Warfront on the Horde side. And honestly, as much as a horrific near miss as they had with Belmont (because Blizz has no sense of anything anymore unless there is absurd fan backlash during the beta) … the Forsaken can’t afford to lose Belmont.

He can never be leader, but the guy has always been a bit of a chainsaw; and his death camps aren’t canon. Point him somewhere practical, and have him get hit particularly hard being sent to die in Darkshore by Sylvie (which he was) and you can do something fun with him. I am also more afraid by the day that Blizz’s weird influx of very recently undead Alliance is there to replace the entirety of the remaining Forsaken Roster. Because they cannot think of a single way to force Calia into the Forsaken leadership role, while making it sense her interacting with characters like Faranell, Lydell, Paxton, Belmont, or Tehd. Hell Calia hasn’t even had a single interaction with even easy mode reps like Velonara and Tattersail for gods sake. Its ALL just Derek or the Undead NEs when its not Voss. And only Voss has even been “Forsaken”.

Tehd Shoemaker for Banshee Queen

Projectile vomiting

Agreed. Frankly, what I find more insulting is their treatment of Voss. As forced as she is in her current role, Voss does represent both the ideals of Forsaken Free Will and the Forsaken experience better than most Undead characters left standing. At least those with development. Its just that ironically both those things kept her butt out of the Forsaken until now.

The idea that Blizz keeps hammering home that Voss is just playing “steward of Gondor” for a character who in no way represents anything about the Forsaken beyond who they where before they were Forsaken is disgusting thematically. It suggests that the PC races’ history after they died is totally invalid, including their entire history with the very faction they’re a part of.

If both characters are forced, why not just put the effort and resources in developing the one who does at least represent the Forsaken Racial Fantasy better? Or if you NEED Calia, why not build both up as equals? One representing who they were in life, the other representing who they’ve become in death? Instead it seems like these lazy dicks are just going to “human potential” all over them instead…

Despite the character I’m posting on I can’t comment on what’s best for the Forsaken player base. It’s not a community that I’m actively apart of. I just think Calia, Derek, and the Undead Night Elves are absolutely disgusting. Calia and Derek for different reasons than the Undead Night Elves. But disgusting all the same.

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I think Calia, Derek, and the undead nelves are in this weird bleh position no matter which side they end up on. If horde, then they just suck up time that could have gone to development for actual, older forsaken characters.

But if they go alliance, then no doubt they get to take the sympathetic angle of unwilling undead with them to potentially turn into stories for the other faction.

And either way, they’re permanent reminders of the worst of the Sylvanas-led horde.


The irony is that BtS actually did bring an interesting concept to the Forsaken. The idea of a spectrum of identity, between those who would reclaim their identities from life as much as possible (if given the chance), and those that have more thoroughly embraced their new Forsaken identities. With many on a spectrum in between. It is also made apparent that Sylvanas was only really supporting the latter camp (and twisting it for her own desires).

And neither of these identities are portrayed as necessarily negative or positive, but merely an extension (in most cases) of how much of their past lives they have to return to. With the “Forsaken” identity largely being one developed by those who had to start from scratch. The scourge wiped out entire families, entire towns, entire nations for goodness sake; and many of them are like Voss … abandoned by those living friends and families that survived (or worse).

If I were to envision a “future” with the Forsaken that MUST include Calia, then my solution is very simple. Calia and Voss developed into equal co-leaders. With Calia representing the “Citizens of Lordaeron” side of their identity, and Voss representing the “Forsaken” side. Supporting the whole spectrum. Then, have them deal with their population issues in one of the noblest ways possible. By helping free and nurse back the minds of the nearly endless Scourge (once the Jailor’s influence has been thoroughly broken). Those that can’t be salvaged, are simply harvested for parts for upkeep.

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I think De Other Side would’ve fit much, much better in a shamanic/ancestral afterlife than in a blue fairy zone. Would be also cool if Bwonsamdi’s (mortal) parents would live there too. Seeing him re-unite with his family would be bittersweet :heart_eyes:

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Why? I mean, the orcs and blood elves both have grudges with the Burning Legion, and none of their NPCs played meaningful roles in the defeat of that particular enemy.


And you don’t think that, maybe, that this yearning for violence wasn’t given a breath of new life by the Alliance trying to kill the Warchief in the midst of the Broken Shores?

A yearning for glory and no aversion to violence make one heck of a cocktail, but it lacks the base ingredient of purpose.

We won’t know for sure, because, again, “WaRcRaFt’S sToRy iS A MaTtEr oF PeRsPeCtIvE” according to the man at the helm (now that Afrasiabi’s quit the company), but if they even give it enough of a nod with Saurfang’s inner dialogue, that’s enough rationalizing for me that this was born out of relevant precursor events, in a story that was nothing but wires and poles.

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I mean, without access to the writers’ private notes and conversations, my best guess would be that bringing Illidan back ate up far too much of the Villain vs. Villain sub-plot.

And the forsaken with Arthas. And unless things change…the forsaken with Sylvanas too.

The horde did get Garrosh through Thrall but look at how many people were displeased with that.

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