So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

If you say so…


Fair point. I went back to re-read and it seems I may have jumped the gun a bit. But the way these forums are constantly focused on only improving things for their side instead of wanting it to be improved for all sides is irritating. It’s playing right into what Blizzard wants. They want you to ignore them and focus on “the other team.” They view that as them succeeding with their narrative.


Oh yeah, justify genocide, it would be so great :unamused:

A: you killed almost entirely one of our races
H: your fault, you poke the bear
A: what have the nightelfs done?!
H: they’re alliance
A: wow, oky, then is genocide fine.

No words, really no words


Careful, your alliance blinders are on.


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If you go one post above yours I admit that I jumped the gun. I apologize. I should have read the entirety of your post before responding.

Edit cause I want to add more to this for people to bounce off of:

I think for what it’s worth that Alliance and Horde should both be more morally grey. Both sides should have their lawful stupids and their dastardly doers. And there needs to be a serious balance. No side should be able to make a strike on the other like WoT was. That’s not how you breed a healthy rivalry in a two faction mmo.

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Na it is not. It would be awefull to read such arguments. It would be even more toxic as today, because two years of endless arguing in dead ends would be hardened both sides and no neutral ground would be there.

And i’m against every justification of genocide.even if the horde commit against one, in no way it mean that the alliance is now justifid to commit one.

They have the right to defend themselve, strike back, hell! Even dismantle the faction as a whole, but not genocide or to try to wipe out all races of the horde.


Merrideth, she was not acting in favor of the Horde. That’s the entire reason I posted Ogmott’s dream journal. She started the death train to feed herself and the jailer.

Maybe I should have put the word “goal” in quotations marks in that post. Or adorned it with the word “stated” instead. Regardless you get my point.

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Zahir, nobody was justifying genocide. I think you’re missing the context of the conversation. They’re talking about justified in starting the war, not the burning of Teldrassil (which would still be unjustifiable).


It would be used from many people here, as a “the alliance poked the bear, their own fault” and you know this. They would defend Teldrassil as an act of defense and not seperate the wot and the burning

It would be really really awful.


She “goal” she fed Saurfang was a lie to get him on board, and with him, the Horde. She did not want the Alliance to be pinned and not fight back. She wanted the Alliance to die, and the Horde to die, to empower the Jailer and herself.

People literally already say this, and you know that.

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So she wanted multiple genocides?

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Now you’re on track. :ok_hand:

That’s long since passed I’m afraid, and a major part of the downfall of that is that at some point Blizz decided that while the Horde had to be antagonistic against the Alliance; the reverse could not be true. Despite, ironically, Blizz never really bothering to write justifications for that Horde aggression, and burying the Alliance under mountains of them. You can really start seeing this shift when the absurd happened and Varian declared war on the Horde in WotLK, but Garrosh somehow started the war in Cata. Thanks to a single peace treaty made inbetween expacs, just in time for Garrosh to break it.

Frankly, you cannot have a balanced game in two faction setting where one of those factions is allowed to claim Moral Absolutism. Which the current Alliance absolutely lays claim to. Their peerless artificially maintained virtue they’ve been written into means the Horde has to pick up the slack on flaws. And thus you end up with stories like BfA … where the Horde does what they did “because they’re the baddies”.


Yeah, and allways i read such things, i find it cringe, because the alliance is no hivemind.

Genocide the nightelves for the deeds of anduin and genn/roger?

Wow, it would be maximal uncomfortable here. And it would end in a new bad even more toxic relationship between the players. No rules would count, since the wot happened this way.

Even today its difficult but i try it to be neutral, defend what is not true or try to be as fair as possible

Summa sumarum: even if they don’ try to make the burning justifyiable, it would be used in such a way.

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Her original intent was in fact to capture the tree, but with the information on her power boost and her alliance with the jailer it is safe to infer she always intended for the war to be as bloody as possible.

Pretty much… She was the shepherd from Ogmot’s journal, which reinforces BfA’s content. She was attempting to cause as large a death toll on BOTH sides as possible. Which plays into how nearly all of her tactics make sense within the confines of “escalating and prolonging” the conflict. Teld? Derek? Deliberately placing only the most antagonistic Horde races into Darkshore? Raising the NEs into Undeath? Escalation tactics. The ARs? Prolonguing tactics. To build up the amount of souls to harvest.

Didn’t you find it odd how bad the Horde’s defenses were in Darkshore, despite apparently being there for months? No sea defenses of any kind? Have you seen Bilgewater Harbor? Those Horde troops in Darkshore were meant to die, and take as many Alliance troops along with them. That Front was meant to be just another meatgrinder for souls, which is why the NEs were antagonized into opening it.


I found garrosh war in cataclysmus reasonable, war is never beautiful, but atleast in the case of his responsibilitys as warchief and his people understandable. The vermin was terrible

But he goes too far. Attacking land world wide, try to dominant the world because “zug-zug”. The cata- war was grey in the first place, golden change that.

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Sadly, i think thats more so because blizzard did not think about such things.

Its the same situation like the nightelves were. Send almost their entire army toward sillithus, i mean, how should this work?