So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

The portrayal through cinematics and dialogue. That is what i’m talking about.
Everyone in game acts like it’s a tragedy to rival quel’thalas. Several parallelles are drawn to it. But htat’s about it. The narrative doesn’t give numbers. It seldom does.

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Okay. I’m going to end this debate on whether or not Orgrimmar was sacked or not right here and now. Taken directly from WoD when the Horde PC establishes the garrison.

Thrall says: This terrain is ideal for a stronghold.
Archmage Khadgar says: I can open up a portal to Orgrimmar only briefly. Reinforcements are standing by, I hope?
Thrall says: The very best.
A strike team pops out of the portal.
Gazlowe says: Somebody call for a fixer?
Khadgar sighs, his tone skeptical.
Archmage Khadgar says: … You’re entrusting a goblin to be your foreman?
Thrall takes no umbrage, simply stating the facts.
Thrall says: Gazlowe, here, oversaw the construction of Orgrimmar.
Gazloe says: Orgrimmar! The impenetrable fortress!
Gazlowe bows as he speaks, quite proud of that bit of work. However Khadgar takes a bit out of his sails with a bemused reminder.
Archmage Khadgar says: Wasn’t it recently sacked?
Gazlowe grumbles a bit at this.
Gazlowe says: Yeah yeah, okay, one little sacking.


Numbers, unless you have actual numbers, your arguement holds as much weight as a wet paper bag. We need a citation. Nobody cares that you think the portrayal is more important

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You’re wasting your time on two people who are clearly not interested in engaging in anything that doesn’t confirm their own biases.


Blessed Fythra, remembering ancient arcana that I have long forgotten.




Cause Blizzard incorrectly using words has never happened.

This can be said of the entire story forum…



I don’t like it, so it doesnt count!!! is all anyone got out of that statement.


It’s not the first time it’s been used and by the people that suddenly want to take Blizzard’s word as gospel.

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Your words are as empty as your soles. Forumkind ill needs a poster such as you.


Gant! Buddy! Pal! Glad you’re back to posting. I was missing your pancakes :gift_heart:

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That is so much ironic coming from the one that have been arguing for more that 100s of post now that the night elf are the biggest victim, that no one else had it as hard and that you should have more since you are the ultimate victim…


Well, seems I was mistaken.

You’re not wrong. And I’m getting far too worked up about this in any case.
So long you lot. Closing words, you very well know that portrayals are what matter in a story that very seldom cares about numbers. Why you want to pretend otherwise is beyond me. But in any case i’m done with this thread. I’m getting far, far too angry over this.

So… If we’re suddenly supposed to doubt the words spoken by an NPC, shouldn’t we also doubt that Teldrassil was genocide-like? Because that too was stated by an NPC.


Eh, the thread’s not going to get to 2k if everyone suddenly starts agreeing.




Yes that’s what I was getting at.

People in this very thread have gone on tirades about how Blizzard misused the word genocide because it calling it a genocide doesn’t jive with their bias. But now they want to claim that Blizzard calling SoO a sacking is legitimate.

Which is it? If SoO was a sacking then Teldrassil was a Genocide.


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Where’s the fun in that? We are in this too deep to back off now :gift_heart:

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