So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

Also draenor (Outland) is still falling apart to this day, it is incredibly unstable after the explosion so in lore it will cease to exist sooner or later.

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Truthfully? Even though Teldrassil should’ve been dealt with two years ago, I’m at least…content they’re at least dealing with it. The whole Vol’jin thing though? I’m not against helping him and Bwom, I actually love Bwom, dudes a blast to be around. And blizz did do Vol’jin dirty, so I’m happy they’re doing something with him

It was a bad explanation, so I gave you a better one. Use that one instead.

That’s still not sacking. Come on.

Stop putting words in my mouth.

And never have I disputed that fact. Why you pretend that I have is incredibly dishonest of you, but I don’t expect better.

Because it is. You seem to have the idea that every race in warcraft has lost the majority of their population to a catastrophic event like Quel’thalas or Teldrassil, when it’s really quite rare. So why on earth do you pretend that it’s common?

OVER A PERIOD OF POSSIBLY MILLENIA. You can’t pretend that a whole timeline is the same things as single events. Stop with this madness.

He occupied the place and kicked everyone out. That’s what happened. And then they took it back. The end.

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Had they just given us a Shamanic ancestral/loa zone and let that be where they cover all the Loa/old Warchiefs/non-magical fae forest tree nature stuff and let Ardenweald go whole hog on everythng Teldrassil/Ysera/Night Warrior/Elune, I feel much of this could have been avoided and all parties involved would have been more satisfied. :stuck_out_tongue:

I suggested sacrificing Revendreth for such a zone, and still do, despite the fact that it’s my favorite of the four afterlives to have played through.


I say sacrifice none and merely make a sixth zone (don’t count oribos cause that’s just a hub)

I was thinking that, but there’s obviously only so many zones one can expect Blizzard to put out without sacrificing a raid tier.

That and it’d keep the whole Bastion/Ardenweald being more Alliance-y and Maldraxxus/X-zone being more Horde-y balance.

Yeah but I don’t wanna sacrifice ma boi Kael’thas sunstrider

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Forsaken value their free will and autonomy above all else. To find out that their apparent savior was merely using them as pawns in some great game would likely cause some significant anger.



Yeah that would be enough a reason for the forsaken.

You keep changing your opinion as to what sacking entails.

Infact, you keep changing many of the goals in this discussion.

No, I stated it here. This right here, is the correct definition.

Why do you have to make things so difficult.

Now, perhaps you could lay down what you actually want to discuss. I’ll start. Every race has had it bad, no question about it. However, very few have had events comparable to Teldrassil or Quel’thalas. Either it happened over a long period of time, i.e it wasn’t a single event, or the loss of life wasn’t as significant, like for example the razing of Stormwind, or the fall of Gilneas.

That’s my piece. What is is you want to talk about?
*an Edit. Percieved loss of life, since we seldom get any numbers in wow, we have to infer from how the narrative portrays these events.

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If it means more Bwonsamdi and more opportunity to expand on underdeveloped Shamanic cultures of Azeroth (especially Tauren), it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. Besides, it’s not like they couldn’t find a way to slip him in somewhere. We’ve had quite a few cameos from past characters in all kinds of places.


Well I want Kael to still be touched upon and fixed due to TBCs awful butchering of characters lol.


I’m not. You refuse to accept anything other than Teldrassil as a loss. Orgrimmar was robbed of valuables, terrorized, had its citizens killed.

Where is it not registering with you?
I can’t wait to see where the goalpost goes this time.

By the guy who technically ruled over it, in order to pay for his army. Not to mention he also used plunder from Pandaria. You can’t sack the city you are the owner off. It’s basically stealing from yourself.


Also looked it up to confirm and Outland as Archmage Vargoth puts it is in a constant state of degradation, soooooooo MU orcs home planet will crumble to nothing in the nether sooner or later.

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Ok. Fine. Less than 1000 were killed during the Burning of Teldrassil. Because that number was given to us twice in the narrative. We also know that the survivors filled up SW and should or into Elwynn.

Therefor, we can infer that, yes, Teldrassil was a large hit to the Night Elves, there are other examples in Warcraft history that are far more significant.

That’s how that works right?



Garrosh literally took the entire city from the Horde, and you say that.
Well done, Morghel. For a guy who was just preaching about the importance of portayal, you sure are walking back your goals.

Are you drunk, buddy? I can understand. NYE and all. But maybe don’t argue whilst inebriated?


If you go by quest numbers sure. That would mean we so far have saved 100 out of those souls in the shadowlands. But you very well know that quest numbers are reduced quite heavily, so I don’t get why you are acting like it’s meant to be factual.
I was talking about they cinematics, and how npcs talked about Teldrassil. But you already knew that. So the question is why did you decide to interject with a statement you yourself knew to be false?


I’m not, I’m inferring as you put it.

Do you have ANYTHING factual to state how many actually died? If not, your argument holds as much weight.
