So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

I don’t know if it’s just me, but…somehow the rules are absolutely confused as to who ends up where after what deeds, Saurfang had a sense of duty without question, to the horde, but that sense of duty went hand in hand with terrible deeds, and were also a burden.

However, I would find it an easy exit, if he only comes to Bastion, without any diversions.

Vashj got to bypass Revendreth and I don’t think she was ever remorseful.


i agree, point taken.

You’re putting in more thought than Blizzard’s story team ever will.

Consider the following though.

We know, from the quest Ysera sends us on, (which I have discovered is called “From A Dark Place”) that we are able to identify souls, even the faceless, spectral variety we sometimes find in the Maw, which is how these souls appear during this quest. Otherwise, we as characters were asked to find Night Elves, and just happened to grab a few that were Night Elves by sheer dumb luck. Therefore, even if we as players cannot tell specific information about these souls, are character, as presented in the story, can.

Now, this presents two options for our characters: when soul collecting, they are either biased, or they are unbiased. This is is simply the logic of you are something or you are not. They either collect souls completely randomly, or they have some reason for collecting souls. We cannot be certain, but again, as established in this quest, our character has the ability to discern traits about the soul that allows them to pick them out, even if we as players see only empty, faceless wraiths. Therefore, we can only speculate whether our character are biased or not, and if so, what that bias may be.

Now consider this. The story, as told, has shown our character to have certain views and biases. For one, our character is allied with our faction, and thus, opposed to the other faction. Enough to fight in the war, as is established in the story of Shadowlands within Bastion, as we see one of the acts of service is your character fighting the other faction.

Whether this ability to fight was born out of hatred for the other faction, or self defense, or a desire to protect your people, the result was that you ended up killing the other faction and defending your own.

Now, in my perspective, this seems like a strong enough bias to cause a character to continue to hold to these habits, and favor rescuing souls of their own faction over others. True, we cannot know this for certain, but we also cannot know for certain that they are being random and unbiased, and thus all we can do is make an educated guess based on the evidence.

Again, in my opinion, based on the evidence presented, such as our loyalty to our faction (our character is, presumably, loyalty to their own faction, or at the very least more loyal to their faction then they are to the other factions), it seems likely that this bias would affect who they took home, such that an Alliance players sanctum would at the very least end up with more Alliance souls then Horde souls, and vice versa.

Again, we don’t know for certain, and it may be possible that, in this expansion, Blizzard decides to paint our characters as completely fair and unbiased, but I believe that is simply less realistic than assuming they would play favorites.

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Consider this; your entire argument is based on hypotheticals based on conjecture, then translating that into roleplay.

You can roleplay your character how you want. The in-game canon does not reflect your roleplay.

The in-game canon is we don’t know why we can specifically find night elf souls, but Shandris thinks Tyrande paused to bless our soul basket thing so we could find night elf souls (where she came up with that idea is a mystery, but she came up with it nonetheless).

We’re not speculating if our characters are biased on not. We are fully in the know that we can find specifically night elf souls, but no other souls have names or labels when we find them. “Speculating” that this somehow means we can pick and choose souls is utterly baseless, and unnecessary to explain the night elf soul issue when Shandris already provides the explanation; Tyrande did it, presumably for the luls or so we could save her people.

This is all just one hell of a way to try and explain away your attempts to troll Treng. Just be honest about it at this point.


I don’t why we should be expected to respect Treng when his self designated purpose on the forums is to tell every Alliance player that doesn’t bow down to him that they don’t matter and should have a lesser experience playing the game if it means his is more enjoyable.

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I’d go digging through your forum posts to find all the times but you’ve decided to have your profile set to hidden. Seems proof enough that you’d have something to hide to begin with.


And i don’t see why we should take you seriously when you just lie to prove your opinion.

People don’t forget.


Use the forum’s search engine.


I mean, me and Treng have our stupid arguements, but we still get along suprisingly well. It’s just, I don’t know, but I think a lot of the…angst has to do with the fact that most Night elf fans have worn out their welcome with their constant complaints, never being satisfied with how the story goes and just generally wishing the horde player base continues to suffer for something most of them had nothing to do with in game.

The biggest problem? Blizzard decided it was a good idea to do nothing about the elephant in the room, that being teldrassil, for 2 yrs.


The entire personality of the character we play is is based on the in game canon we see established in our characters individual actions taken in the game, IE, the war they canonically took part in, and the action taken as a part of that war, and how it establishes certain characters as friendly or hostile.

The quote by Shandris only explains that we can carry a larger number of Night Elf souls, but does not establish that we are able to track them down somehow or identify them.

I can see how this would come across this way, and as such, I do apologize for the grief or hurt feelings I have caused. Take that as you will.

Regardless, I do still believe the argument holds up. Take that, also, as you will.

Irrelevant, because the game makes no presumptions about our personality. If I’d chosen the loyalist path, I’d still be tasked to save night elf souls, even though I’ve made the choice to give no craps about night elves.

Unfortunately, your argument is based on… Nothing. Sorry. We see absolutely zero evidence that these nameless souls are secretly souls we identify and choose to save. The only souls we can identify are the night elf ones. Extrapolating beyond that one, singular fact is pointless until we have further evidence to support that we’re picking and choosing.


I’ll respond tomorrow when I get around to it, but just wanted to pop in and tell my peeps, you guys know who you are, that I love ya guys and keep up the good fight :gift_heart: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Given your belief in this, and the fact that I believe differently, I believe all that could be said can be. I don’t agree, but we’ve both made our points. At least we will both go to bed believing we are right (though it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve mistakenly thought that, and probably won’t be the last either!)

Again, I can see how my posts may have come across as hurtful or trolling, and I apologize and will try to be more sensitive to people in the future.

Thank you for the discussion, and have a good evening! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the love, but this fight has come to an end for me. I’ve said all I will. Love you 2! <3

I will say the mail set does look fantastic on trolls, so that’s a plus in my book. A bad story only lasts as long as the story. A good transmog lasts much longer

Bwonsamdi is to trolls as Ysera/Elune are to nelves. There are twice the forces trying to spare elves than there are forces trying to spare trolls.

Edit: apologies for getting to this so late. I only just now got the reply alert for some reason?


Psst … I kinda think Finira is just yanking your chain.

Horde players have complained about the story even longer than the Night elves. Don’t see you berating them for that.
And for the record, I fully understand why Horde players are unhappy. Just wish they understood that Alliance players don’t have it good either.

You mean how some Horde players are more than happy to drop Teldrassil, and it’s ramifications, straight in the trash can, leaving Night elf and Alliance players out to dry? Again, don’t see you complaining about them. Just the Night elves for some reason.