So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

My complaint about the zone is mostly visual appearance. Not that I don’t think it’s a beautiful zone, because it absolutely is. To me, it just looks like I’m walking through a blue Ashenvale everywhere I go while helping maintain “the balance” which is something I hear a lot from with Cenarian Circle stuff.

Also I mentally associate fairies and elves together as adjacent themes in fantasy as a whole. Maybe I shouldn’t. But when I think of the word “fae”, I’m going to think of both of them. Call them “Night Fae” and that only reinforces it. Pair me with not-quite-Sisters of Elune and good almost-satyrs and I think that moreso. Then throw Ysera into it and it really does feel like Night Elf in everything but name. It makes me feel really disconnected…and then toss in the negative association of BFA where just last expansion I had to go along with opposing the guardians of nature and I got a REALLY dissonant feeling doing the quests.

And I don’t think it’s actually a bad thing on its own (well, aside from the BFA bit, but y’know). I just would have liked a little more alongside it, I guess.


Jesus Christ can yall NEPs just recognize that much?


Just as much has to do with the Drust and their invasion. Ardenweald is dedicated to Kul Tirans.


2/8 are Drust
6/8 are Ysera

0/8 are Bwon and Trolls

zero of eight are Bwon and Trolls

Why is this so hard for yall lmao


I see Ysera the same way I see Ebonhorn.

Both “neutral” but they both make you think of certain opposite sides when you see them. :man_shrugging: Nothing against that, I personally like Ysera and don’t mind helping her at all.


Most of the questing is about the drought, Ysera was the perfect plotline to represent that.

If having the drust (kultiran villains) makes it a kultiran zone, then shadowlands is a forsaken expansion, having Sylvanas as one of the main villains.


And you wonder why people don’t want to see your argument? You’re literally putting people in little boxes with labels, othering them. And doing it all with such smugness and arrogance. Read that statement back to yourself and think about how it sounds.

And getting mad when they don’t agree with you. LOL


Still wrong doe xx


The Drust invasion is present in more than two chapters. If the mere existence of Ysera, eve before we know it’s her, counts as Night Elf content, then the first appearance of a possessed fae in a drust mask counts as Kul Tiran content. So the Drust are in 5 or 6/8 chapters of the Ardenweald leveling story. Thus, Ardenweald is dedicated to the Kul Tirans.


Nope it’s actually just 2/8, 3/8 if you wanna stretch it and include the one quest before Ara’lon joins the procession in that one arc as that.

0/8 is Trolls though but you don’t seem to want to admit that’s wack when that’s all we’re asking of yall lmao


lol did you play the zone? The Drust and their proxies are present in more than two chapters lmao.


See? Literally incapable of admitting to it.


I’ve been ignoring your obsession with Bwon’samdi because it has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of the thread, which is whether or not Ardenweald is night elf content. Especially since you’re straight up lying about the Drust influence in the zone’s storyline.


Easiest way to prove its not a night elf or Alliance zone is to demonstrate a equal or comparable representation of Horde centric lore

Except all the Loa Ardenweald Arcs is 2/16, with ZERO of 8 being leveling campaign

So you can’t

So here you are


The drust isn’t as much a ‘‘kul’tiran’’ thing as Ysera, wild god and after life are part of the night elf.

Drust is only a druid kul’tiran thing. Every other kul’tiran might not even know about it. Meanwhile, nearly every night elf love Ysera and Ysera love night elf. The last time we saw her, was in a 100% night elf zone dealing with the nightmare who is once again a night elf thing.


Hell even if we include the 8 archs of the Sojourner of Ardenweald side quest group, only ONE of the side quests gestures to Mueh’zala. At the very end. From a trash object from a spriggan with flavor text.

So that’s 3/24 (three of twenty-four) archs touch on the Loa.

There’s literally no way to gesture to Ardenweald being equally Horde relevant as Alliance relevant.


The easiest way to prove whether or not something is night elf content is to see how much it involves night elves. That’s it. Obsessing over the presence of completely unrelated side characters has nothing to do with it. That’s just you being mad over Bwon’samdi not being present. That’s a “you” thing, not a “night elf” thing.

That’s not true at all. I’m not sure if you played Alliance content in BfA, but the drust are a pretty big part of Kul Tiran history. The entire zone of Drustvar is affected by them and their incursion, not just Kul Tiran druids. It’s not a secret, either. Midway through the zone everyone knows what’s going on and who is responsible. The drust even feature in the larger storyline involving Jaina, when we go to Thros itself to rescue her. They’re a major part of the Kul Tiran leveling experience.


No, it is not.

The trees are different than Night Elf trees. The color pallet in the zone is different. Structures are different. Literally the only similarity is that is is nature based. And Night Elves do NOT have a patent on that. Calling Ardenweald Night Elf is like calling Maldraxxus Forsaken just because it is undead stuff. Maldraxxus is actually closer to the Forsaken aesthetics than Ardenweald is Night Elf. And MAldraxxus is NOT Forsaken.

For reference, much of Ardenweald is inspired by Celtic mythology. Tir na nOg, the land of youth.

This kind of reasoning drives me nuts. You see it all the time. The rules seem to be:
*For a character to be Horde they have to be full on Lok Tar Ogar, For the Horde. They have to actively help the Horde specifically and never the Alliance.
*For a character to be Alliance they just have to have had any kind of friendly interaction with some Alliance character(s).

Ysara was part of a completely neutral organization. She never aided the Alliance against the Horde. She was never hostile to the Horde. She is not an Alliance character.

Sylvanas. :wink:

More seriously there is a couple problems with that line of reasoning.
First, lets thinks about this. Who are the Forsaken mostly? Former citizens of Lordaeron. What this means is that most of the historically important characters to them were human members of the nation of Lordaeron. Players tend to call them Alliance. Example:

(Note: Not even true. Draka is the more prominent and important person in the zone)

Right there is an example. In truth, Alexandros Mograine actually has more connection to the Forsaken than the current Alliance. He was a member of the Silver hand, a Lordaeron group. He was a citizen of Lordaeron, killed and raised to undeath under the Lich king. Yes, he was part of the original Alliance. But so were the Forsaken.

So, the Forasaken lore connections are often just disregarded unless they happen in the very small window of basically WoW’s life.

And the second problem is simply put, Sylvanas. She has dominated Forsaken lore for way to long. They have been little more than her minions for a lot of time. So, yes there is a very real problem with their representation. But don’t try to pass it off as some slight where they were ignored. The Forsaken have gotten more attention than most races. The problem is to much of it has been completely centered around Sylvanas.

But not in WoW. This is some of your own perspective bleeding in. And that is understandable, and hard to avoid doing to some degree. Finding similarities and patterns is what humans do really well. But sometimes it leads to wrong conclusions. This is one of those times.


“That tree is blue/white not green/purple”

I get your point.

I’m also not denying Maldraxxus has a Forsaken feel. More of a Northrend Scourge Arthas feel but ya I see the similarities.

I find it really strange that our favourite Loa Bwonsamdi is nowhere to be seen in Ardenweald’s levelling, despite having (one of) an entrace to his afterlife dimention. I think just a few side quests helping him fight of Mueh’zala’s forces would’ve been ok

Oh, and one other thing I’ve noticed is that some Necrolord characters use green/teal magic like him, and right down to using the exact same spells he uses in the BoD raid. I think I even saw a Maldraxxus mob in Bastion use a spell that had a troll skull!