So about Malfurion

Is he actually dying or is he simply going to ardenweald just like we all did. Also how long before he says “Hush Winter Queen!”

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As Shadowlands has shown us, death doesn’t exist in the Warcraft Cinematic Universe.

All those dramatic, impactful deaths in Warcraft and WoW were meaningless, because those characters were actually just teleported to a personal paradise where they’ll live happily ever after.

Unless they die again IN the Shadowlands, in which case they’ll… go to the Super Shadowlands? We’ll find out in the next expansion, hopefully.


I think they go into the Rift. There are deeply injured souls there.

No one knows much besides a datamined dialogue between Tyrande and Malfurion that was accidentally left unencrypted.

Nah hee just gonna go spoon voljin. Hell be fine and also he back

Be. Be back

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True, the two of them are going to chill in the Conservatory together for a while. Make bets on who will be allowed to return first.
I think they’ll get along well. Malfurion will probably want to talk about Tyrande at some point and maybe Vol’jin could tell him ( and us ) about his significant other and kids of which we know next to nothing yet. That’d be nice.

It depends on the soul in question as to their exact fate. For natives of the Shadowlands, when they die, they cease to exist but their essence is used to create another of their kind. For example if Steve the Steward is killed, his essence creates Jack the Steward.

Now when it comes to non-natives like Ursoc, when they die within the Shadowlands, they cease to exists, with their energies going to the collective magic of Death.

The writers just needed a way to undermine the win they were forced to sort of give Night Elves, but they’re running out of story beats to hamfist that in.

“Timeskip means the Night Elves have had three years to relax, time to mess with them again. Quick, write a line about balance and costs!”


While also abandoning the character arc they were setting up for Merithra.


Just wanna say, looking snazzy there in that outfit Denona. Love it :panda_face:

Thanks. I usually change my fury mog into something holiday related when one rolls around.


He’s going to die, the Night Elves will get nothing in return, and then Tyrande will probably get killed by a bomb next patch. Because Blizzard hates Night Elves. That’s why the forum died.

Uh, she isn’t his wife.

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Don’t forget it will be done by a bomb planted by the horde that will blow up the new world tree and a bunch more elves. Then shandris will go all nightwarrior x2 mode this time only to not do anything and learn about renewal and get a new world seed so they cycle can happen again.

Blizzard lack any creativity to do anything new other than regurgitating the same story over and over. Even Dragonflight is just a pale copy of Cataclysm.


It’s called an afterlife. Places for the good people to go, and places for the folks whose souls need a rear end alignment.

The fact that heroes can physically travel there is an idea as old as Greek myth.


Really, I thought Tyrande was going to be killed by a Lightbound self-cide bomber in the expansion after Shadowlands (maybe one that cries “Doua Akbar!”, because that’d match the expected level of subtlety and “Lux Vult!” is overused and overrated)

I think time travel shenanigans is going to be the deux ex machina that is going fix this whole mess.

In Morozond we trust.

We will get to a point where seeing the Infinite Dragonflight were right to change history.

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Murzond was screwing up history because he couldn’t deal with the fact that he’d seen his own death.

One thing you really should avoid doing as a time traveler.

It would be really great if you’re right, because that’d be interesting, but I feel like the best we’re likely to get if they pursue that plot beat is Elisande 2.0


Don’t really care what you have to say. Your poots scream “yikes.”

Most of it was hyperbole dummy, but lets face the current writing team have no issues redoing events that have already occurred as they have the Hubris to believe they will do it better.

I’ve been pointing this out for years. If that shocks your poor sensibilities perhaps you better get off the internet.