Smite priest/disc priest/lightwell no support

Currently there are no runes that change or benefit lightwell. The only support for smite is surge of light which isnt great. There are no runes that support disc spec. Holy and shadow can all use pain suppress and penance. Currently it seems better to play shadow spec + healing gear over disc hybrid because +40% shadow damage + shadow runes + new shadow dots is a better healer hybrid than disc with healing gear or disc with spell dam gear. Currently shadow and disc specs both have the same healing output outside of power infusion.

I suggest atleast one rune that modifies a deep disc talent like mental strength/agility that adds 20% of healing power converted into spell damage or vice versa 40% of spell damage converted into healing power.

Also a rune that adds a holy damage instant CC would be nice since ally priests are still dealing with undead players WOTF. A small 2 or 3 second holy damage aoe cc the size of engi bomb would be awesome. Call it hammer of gods. can proc surge of light.

Lightwell should also receive a rune that makes the ability more useful. A nice addition is to allow the lightwell to restore mana to party members while they continue to fight.

We have attempted to combine feedback here: Priest Rune Restructure; Updated (6/26/24)

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