Slayer Hero Talent should be Blademaster

Slayer just seems like a generic placeholder name, instead we should get Blademaster.


seriously? Already starting this complain garbage?


sounds like a valid suggestion, so maybe stop complaining.


what about those weirdos who don’t use a blade?

Slayer is fitting since Warrior’s use the most straightforward and direct method to kill. We don’t complicate the action, we don’t rely on external forces like

  • Poisons
  • Magic of any kind
  • Chi/Chakra
  • The power of animal abuse via forcing a bear to get beaten on by A Fel infused Orc

We just rely on some unaddressed anger issue to fuel our might.

The lack of complications to the process is what makes our method the purest form of Slaying. Nobody else is better deserving of the epitaph “Slayer” than Warrior’s.

I wouldn’t be surprised if “Slayer” is designed for Fury and Arms or even possibly uniquely to Fury with a focus fast brutal strikes.

I may also be biased however since the “Slayer” reminds me of fond memories from past summer breaks spent playing Halo with friends and hearing the announcer say “Slayer” every time we loaded in a game.


Everything you just said is an argument against Mountain Thane, which we are getting.

Hero Abilties are giving classes abilities and visuals outside of their traditional scope, that’s the entire point.

I am was not addressing Mountain Thane, only Slayer as a Hero talent name.

Also the names were stated as subject to change.

I got a different impression personally where they would focus on different play-styles.

The deep dive recap made by Wowhead was “These new talent points will focus on offering the ability to explore a deeper class fantasy, provide additional flexibility to suit your play style, and offer progression and agency while not adding excessive complexities.”

I highly doubt that none of the Warrior Hero Talent trees focus on deepening existing class fantasy.

You are just talking in circles aimlessly, everything you said supports my point lmao.

Please explain to me how my opinion that Hero Talent names should be fitting across all races supports your idea of Blademasters. The same Blademasters that happen to be a heavily ingrained tradition of the Burning Blade clan that continued within Horde Orc culture.

Blademasters has the same issue’s that Mountain Thane does but with an added red coat of paint to fit the bois in red.

Mountain Thane are literally a type of Dwarf Warrior, how is a Dwarf inspired Hero talent fitting across all races but an Orc inspired one isn’t?

You keep arguing my point for me.

You either misread or misunderstood, I specifically said that Mountain Thane have the same issues as Blademasters.

Hero Talents need to be generalized which neither Mountain Thane or Blademaster are.

  • Broad & generalized = Good
  • Narrow and Exclusive = Bad

You realize that the overwhelming majority of Hero Talents are based on existing Warcraft classes like Mountain King, Dark Ranger, and Keeper of the Grove?

Blademaster and Mountain Thane fit the fantasy of Hero Talents that have been revealed so far, Slayer is an outlier rooted in nothing.

None of the warrior Hero talents have been revealed, we don’t know what the warrior tree even looks like, we only know the name of the trees and what spec they are going to and even then the names are subject to change.

What are you on about, Colossus and Slayer are applicable to all warriors of any race as opposed to Mountain Thane which is hyper specific to one race. The outlier currently is the one based on existing NPC classes.

Keeper of the Grove is a Druid Hero Talent and those are literally male dryads, not playable by any races. You are grasping at straws man. Gonna mute this thread, general discussion already is talking about this and guess what, most warriors want Blademaster lmao.

calling it hero talents was a mistake, cuz now everyone just expects it to be renamed after wc3 stuff lol


Well, they did show a prot mountain thane using stormbolt and it hitting multiple target dummies.

Only 7 (9 if you count stuff that’s only alliance / only Horde) out of 39 Hero Talent trees are part of a specific Races culture.

The large majority of the names support my side yet I’m grasping.

Yeah I’m certain the “most warriors” you saw is a reliable representation of the community at large and not just GD outrage.

Forgot about this

I’m not a fan of Blademaster, because they are a culturally orcish identity and I would prefer more culturally agnostic titles for the hero specs. Its a big reason I dislike Mountain Thane. It just makes no sense for any race of warrior other than dwarf. A blood elf warrior would consider it uncivilized or barbaric to refer to themselves as Mountain Thane.

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In general, I would agree with having more agnostic names. That said, given the nature of the expansion (i.e. Earthen allied dwarf race available to both Horde and Alliance) I believe Mountain Thane fits nicely.

Isn’t slayer the DH legion title? Yea make it blademaster.

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