<Slash AFK> will pay for your Xfer! (39 OCE players only)

If you’re a lonely horde twink looking for a thriving 39 community, come join on Yojamba! We will reimburse you for your xfer over! We’re looking for dedicated players who are already geared and want to join the party! We provide gear runs and consumables. We also plan on doing guild tourneys (2v2, 3v3) in STV!

<3 Ðoom


Dude, xfrs are from PVP -> PVP or PVP -> PVE you are unable to PVE -> PVP

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Dude, xfrs are from PVP -> PVP or PVP -> PVE you are unable to PVE -> PVP

EDIT: now posted with my correct toon, not some skummy retail leftovers…

oops! my bad i had forgot about that detail :frowning: