SL "systems" being deleted when?

All these new systems that keep replacing the old ones gotta go. There is no conceivable benefit to having them at all and they make me not want to play. This I’m going to assume is the opposite of what blizzard wants, people not playing the game longer. I’m going to mess around on classic for a while until I inevitably see it’s just a waste of time and then never renew my sub.

Thanks bliz.


Funnily enough, they actually tried to pre-build in the obsoletion by making Shadowlands systems only work in Shadowlands in one of the Beta/PTR builds, so that they wouldn’t have to do any work to remove/disable them later on.

That got reverted in a wave of backlash.


I’ll guess because of the feedback received, they’ll end them at the end of the expansion. Thinking they’ll end them before that is wishful thinking, but at best they may ease a lot of restrictions and/or even slip in a ‘catch up system’ along with an account-bound anima / renown amplifier to help out alts, and get players contemplating on returning all caught up (As we’ve seen this expansion isn’t necessarily alt friendly).


Yeah, because that’s terrible design.

What would have been better is just not having the systems at all. The game has never needed this stuff, they easily could have stuck with just class design in spellbook/talents/glyphs and it would still be perfectly fine.


Whatever, see ya in 2 weeks.

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The same trope from the player base about these systems since, at least in Legion it was tied the cool cosmetic appearance of the artifact that introduced great skin/tint variants and lore…but the abuse to throw more systems thats not even remotely close in quality as Legion artifact weapons and the player base has some kind of masochistic element to go on about their dislike about these systems for two expansions in a row but still pay a sub…who is the abuser now?


Yeah, that’s what I was getting at.

What would have been better is just not having the systems at all. The game has never needed this stuff

This is the solution they came up with to counter the idea of infinite power upgrades building on each other. I’m not saying it’s the best idea, but at least on paper the need for something does hold up, since eventually classes could otherwise develop beyond a manageable point (not that that has prevented certain specs from having literally no weaknesses or being ideal for every situation but that’s a separate problem).

My personal preference would have been to develop classes/specs along themes and work that into storylines, but that’s by-the-by.

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Something something ripcord.


Which only seems to exist towards last patch when they build a story progression to justify it…

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The systems are here for good. World of Systems!

They’ll end them when the expansion ends.

To replace them in the forthcoming Dragon Isles, we’ll have a totally different and completely innovative system in which you swear your allegiance to one of the five dragonflights and search these floating islands for sources of draconic power to return the dragonflights to glory, gaining some of their power for your own along the way! But it is nothing like artifact power or azerite power or covenants. :wink:


They’ll have to come up with something else that starts with ‘A’.

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Yeah, the abbreviation of “draconic power” has an unfortunate connotation.

Just like they have done with similar systems like this since Legion and most likely will be replaced unfortunately with new systems in the next xpac.

I wish they would do away with these borrowed power systems that are just passive talent trees. Just put the passives into our spell books and if they want to give us borrowed powers make a new talent row where the new talents are only good for the expansion they are in and the row at the end of the expansion clears out so the talents can be replace by new ones in the following expansion .

Any that they think should stay could easily be put into slots for talents people don’t seem to pick as well as talents that players have been saying for years since they started the current talent tree in MoP should be base line abilities.

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The systems are frustrating because they’ve now run into it multiple times where the system that replaces the previous system isn’t as good or fun. Artifact Powers and weapons felt better for many classes and then Azerite came in being horribly boring. Some of the Covenant abilities right now feel good, but it’ll suck to lose them at the end. The next expansion will inevitably fail to give us something that properly replaces the fun feel of the Covenant abilities, so it’ll end up feeling bad.

This is why temporary power was a bad idea from the start. Temporary power in the form of tier sets was better, because at least you’re not losing abilities every expansion.

I don’t know if the systems and temporary abilities will ever end, but I really and sincerely hope they do. I do not believe they have been good for the game, and as I said it’s no different than losing a core rotational ability every expansion.


I have an idea but I would probably get a forum vacay for it .

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I just threw up in my mouth a little bit

It is inevitable.

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