SL Release: 11/17, 12/1, 12/8? Which?

This year, 2020, has been nothing short of nightmarish and hazardous. My thoughts are Blizzard may just wait for the year to ding and bring in 2021 with joy and cheer, and of course, a shadowlands release.
In other words, January 2021.

I would like to remind everyone speculating a 2021 release, this is a quote from their update: “I wanted to let you know that we’re delaying the release of Shadowlands to later this year”.

The pre-order also states the release will happen before December 31st, 2020 and they have to stick with that.


Yes because “Later This Year” clearly means “Next Year”

12/29 last Tuesday of the year

I am leaning on December 15 for the release then Raids come out January 6 2021. November is too full of big releases and holiday play time with kids and vacationing adults work better. Also the big focus should be the conduit system and that looks like it will need a lot of work. Torghast also needs some polishing to make it worth the amount of farming we will be doing in there.

You will get an email if you pre ordered.

If it ain’t out by 12/8, I’m betting Q1 2021.

We are not going to be in 3 month prepatch , no arena season , m+ season , BFA content will also be Broken…so yeah fattest chance.

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My guess is December First or December 8th. I feel like if they had a date decided by now and it was in November they would’ve announced the delayed date.

12/01 is my prediction, with the raid delayed to January.

Expansions can launch any day only pre-patches are always Tuesday’s.

This is just patently false.

You are only thinking that because of BFA shadowlands’ intended world wide launch that having it be available on Monday for America means it is open to any day. No that is wrong.

This won’t be the case for Shadowlands, because they branched off in a new patch.

Like TBC that had a 2.0.1 pre-patch with a 2.0.3 launch patch.

We’re getting patch 9.0.1 on the 13th, but Shadowlands will be 9.0.2.

I agree.

5 or 6 weeks of pre patch time then release is my guess.

I’ll disclaimer that if its not until q1 21…
It is what it is. However them putting out the pre patch oct 13 for an expansion that doesn’t release for months would be crazy.

Yes i know its happened before with tbc announced oct released jan whenever it was…but blizz was in much better PR graces with its audience 14 years ago then now.

This is my guess. It let’s them push the raid out to starting 12/1 or 1/5 respectively.

I feel like the December one is more likely.

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Not true both Wrath and Cata launched on Thursday but yes the rest were on Tuesday.

I understand what what you’re saying but it depends on if the delay changes their 2 part plan from the last Development Update where they announced.

Specifically " Our Beta environment will continue to receive weekly 9.0.2 updates, and patch 9.0.2 will go live shortly before Shadowlands officially launches.

It’s too late to change that. It’s already been done and PTR and Beta are now using the 2 separate branches.

Problem is that leaves us with over 11 weeks of prepatch, which would not go down well.

I just meant 9.0.2 going live “shortly before Shadowlands officially launches”. They could patch to 9.0.2 on a Tuesday and do launch on Thursday. But it’s all guesses at this point. :no_good_woman: