SL PVP Gear update: i.e. PVE for your PVP gear

First, we’re shifting the stat distributions on Conquest gear to always include Versatility. There should be two out of the three combinations (Versatility/Haste, Versatility/Mastery, Versatility/Crit) available for every slot. Secondly, we are adding a 2-piece set bonus, activated by equipping two PvP trinkets, such as crowd-control break (Medallion) or throughput (Battlemaster’s, Dominance, etc.) trinkets. This bonus will increase the damage and healing benefit of Versatility (but not the defensive benefit) while in Arenas, Battlegrounds, or War Mode.

The Conquest vendor will not offer perfect coverage of every stat combination, but neither does any other single source of gear in WoW. A player who favors Haste and Mastery cannot get a full set of Haste/Mastery gear from raiding alone, so if you’re someone who wants to be absolutely optimal, you’ll benefit from branching out across multiple types of content. Nonetheless, the result of these changes should be that a majority of the best gear for PvP now comes through the PvP system.

Nothing about how much faster and easier it will be to gear through PVE. This is half good news. But honestly, without faster gear acquisition or some sort of ilvl / pvp boost beyond a 2 piece set bonus for trinkets, I think this will not go far enough to making PVP the best way to gear for PVP.


With the nerf to M+, it might be better than M+ gearing for PvP. However, raiding will probably be de wae.

Personally, I think that having raiding as de wae for M+ AND PvP is an interesting choice but I guess Blizzard really feels like if you aren’t raiding you are going to quit the game.

More like: “If you make me raid, I will quit the game.”

Let me PVP for my PVP gear!


I think if you said that, Ion would tell you to go play Overwatch.

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I just did say it.

It really feels like they do not want to use systems from the past. As if they were done by another team, so they can’t be as good.

I hope I am wrong in that assessment, but man do they skirt around the issue of PVE being the best way to gear for PVP.

WoD worked so well, just accept that it was way better than than the last 4 years (and what looks to be like the next 2 years), and give us that.

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I think it’s more that they don’t want people to play game modes as their end game other than what WoW does best.

So they want you to

  • Raid in WoW.
  • PvP in Overwatch.
  • Farm in Diablo 3.
  • Go to the cashshop in Hearthstone.
  • Stop being racist in Starcraft.
  • Pretend that Heroes of the Storm didn’t happen.

:thinking: soooo raiding offers the best gear? Time to find a pve guild… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: BLEHHHHHH!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Cautious optimism is always the way to go, but I think it’s also important to celebrate the wins.
This is a sign they’re listening and making changes accordingly.

We don’t know how conquest gearing is going to work. Blizzard has been responsive with regard to stats, so before we assume that conquest gear progression will be awful, let’s just admit that we don’t know, and keep telling blizzard what we want to see.

It’s just kind of a bummer to take a win like this and then twist it to more doom and gloom over a topic that we simply don’t have the information for at this time


I appreciate the update, but I’m concerned that there isn’t much time left in the beta to test these changes.