SL Covenant Conduits

Please remove/rework that -25% lockout reduction so all casters/healers don’t have to choose Venthyr to get a huge competitive edge. Forcing to play one covenant is not fun.

Yeah that one kinda made me raise an eyebrow, thats a bit kinda really good.

Changing my name to Neverfake.

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agreed lol

ret is already forced into night fae since we got no mobility buffs :slight_smile:

idc how strong it is. never going venthyr. the twilight movie already hurt me 2 much

You crazy, that Afterlives today was good.

No. venthyr gross. Dam twilight jacob wannabees. or was jacob the wolf…

would have preferred it to be more about garrosh rather than the general zone

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Yeah same. Kinda how Arthas had one, I felt like it woulda been better if it showed more of Garrosh.

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