SL Boomkin Changes & Eclipse Discussion

Seems you just want to ca during a solar eclipse and pop quite a few starsurges into it. Also tettles said that the icd for eclipses starts as it procs, so at some point we should see enough haste to keep a very high uptime on single eclipses.

I was really saddened to hear of the return of eclipse. I never really enjoyed that version, unfortunately i will be shelving my druid until its gone :frowning:


I’m alright with the eclipse system so long as it stays away from the WoD iteration. That was, truly, detestable.

I think the Lunar Eclipse cycles will be nutty for dungeon pulls with a reasonable amount of mobs on the tank. Solar Eclipse is w/e.

I remember it was good for Spicy CHicken cleave in Cata, and back then boomkins were pretty crazy in 5v5, but that’s about it… I still don’t think people were like, “OH MAN let me roll a boomkin to get into 3v3!”

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So I made a thing.

Shadowlands Alpha - AP Pro Bar.

It’s very basic, but it shows a lot of the basic information, such as AP, DOT timers, and Eclipse timers. Includes a “Filler Handholder” that shows you the icon of which filler you should be casting.


I cant respond on that forum but if you look here:

scroll down to druid and you can see where they say eclipse has a 30 second cooldown

also on another note, any chance you’ll be posting some videos of your gameplay/testing? does incarnation still replace celestial alignment? also, with soul of the forest extending eclipse and further lowering cast times, duration is it a better talent than incarnation on that row?

Oh, I get that part. But sometimes you simply forget what you should be casting. I have no idea when that 30sec ICD is up. I made a WA that handles it for me, in case I forget – usually after a quick pull.

I’ll probably be streaming in a bit. VODs are VODs.

INC replaces CA.

Damage and Talents aren’t tuned yet, and Balance is kinda bad at single-target based on my testing. But we have bonkers AOE potential with Starfall + FOE + CA. I was doing ~4k DPS in the open dungeon.

Don’t worry about tuning yet, that’ll be down the road, probably not for another 2 months.

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sounds good, thnx for the info. interesting that its reversed as of now as far as our single target and aoe as opposed to live

Wrath: I really liked boomkin played it a bunch the entire expac it was my fav playstyle personally, lack of control and unpredictability of procs kept me focused

Cata: was fine playing ping pong

Mop: didn’t play enough

WoD: I didn’t like the automatic cycle and played gaurdian

Im actually looking at dusting off the boomy for shadowlands maybe in nostalgia but I’m really looking forward to it.

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well guys and gals, seems like a lot of us will be hanging up the boomkin hat for the next 2 years if they bring back that god-awful eclipse pendulum system…and it’s looking like that might be the plan.

it’s kinda sad when you see most everyone else cheering about their class changes.

eh, we always have the old adage: “it’s only alpha.” -_-


Well…you can always try feral, if you think balance has it rough :wink:

Looking at both DPS specs I think I am going to be stuck as Guardian (who also didn’t do particularly well out of these changes, but is the lesser of 3 evils).

It really feels like they are trying to bury the class this expansion. The druid changes are bad and they should feel feel bad. Here is hoping that they at least make good on the promise of easier alts, otherwise I will probably just pack it in totally.

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well i guess its a good thing that the pendulum system isnt coming back. this is a proc based system, no pendulum style eclipse energy system.


As someone else mentioned, it’s not the pendulum of WoD.

I personally don’t mind the pendulum either way, I didn’t mind it at all back in WoD but I know a lot disliked it. I think balance will ultimately end up fine though.

this what i’m thinking. balance was a good performing spec in wotlk and as long as its balanced correctly it will perform well, which is ultimately what a lot of people care about. i don’t hate the current builder/spender system, i jst think it makes us sorta generic, and i always liked the idea that eclipse made us totally unique

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I’m a vanilla player, but did feral/resto druid in BC, and then balance/resto from wrath till now. While I don’t hate empowerments rn, I preferred wrath eclipse over it (and over both cata/mop eclipse in general)

I think the most fun I’ve had as a balance druid, which would often cause me to start giggling, was having 2 dots up on a boss, bloodlust, and legendary helm gem proc (crazy haste). There were SOOO many shooting stars procs it was silly. I loved it.

I would love if they find a way to get some procs in to the currently eclipse model in alpha, either by talents or otherwise.

100% agree with this!

And also I agree with you trollinator, it was fun getting starsurge procs and I kind of miss that kind of gameplay. But like I said previously, I don’t really mind which one they end up going with because I’ve honestly had fun with every version of balance I’ve played for different reasons.

The only thing that has annoyed me about balance is starfall not being that great right now and tanks moving mobs out of starfall. So I’m glad starfall is changing back to how it use to be. I just hope it doesn’t end up pulling everything in sight lol.


My biggest issue with the alpha implementation, as pointed out to me by a poster in another thread, is the possible need for cast cancelling.

If you’re chaining wrath casts back to back and a lunar eclipse procs, you’re not going to notice it until you’re part way through your next wrath cast. It would be a DPS gain to cancel that cast in-progress and switch to spamming lunar strike, no? To waste as little of the buff as possible. That doesn’t sound like a fun way to play or an improvement over the BfA iteration at all.

Also, it sounds nice to no longer have to track empowerment charges but having to track two independent 30 second internal cooldowns sounds like more of a pain to me, not less.

Maybe I’ll feel differently when the system is in my hands but it’s hard to be optimistic about it with the information we’ve been given.

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Both valid concerns that make this iteration less fun than what we have now.


What I anticipate being the most un-fun about this, is in dungeons trying to wrath to get my AoE starfire proc, then watching the other dps blow up the pack just as it procs with their immediate AoE abilities.

I think Balance is more fun now than it’s been in years. I think just a few touch-ups to weak cleave is really all we needed, but that’s just my opinion. I think the vision of perfection/arcanic pulsar/streaking stars combo made for a fun rotation.

The starfall changes are basically the only thing I’m looking forward to.