Skyriding toggles back on after doing instanced content

I would say the same, if this sort of thing wasn’t happening over and over. You only need to go look at the Bug forum to see what I mean. One of the most aggregious things that has happened recently is where there was a bug with guild banks loosing gold. Some guilds lost millions.

So firstly they say that ‘they began receiving reports’. It took many instances of input before they even noticed the issue which came from one of their own updates when they started cross-realm guilds. They call it “an unexpected bug” but in something this important, are checks not down on the outcome relating to every aspect of guilds - including their banks? Do they just dump in a change and, I dunno, hope it all works?

To then say, we’ve done what we can, we lost the rest, puzzled me. They have always said that they can access all kinds of data; we can even restore characters that we made years ago, so that data is available. If indeed this loss was unrecoverable then that’s a system flaw that has been unaddressed and is very concerning.

My faith in either their veracity or their efficiency is declining.