█★█ Skunkworks 4/9M < 2 Night Guild > Amazing DPS 1 Healer █★█

looking for more

That however small the chance might be of striking lucky, the chance is there. The chance had to be there.

Also - LFM :slight_smile:

looking for more

Looking for more awesome raiders!

Hey friends!

Wanted to ask if y’all were looking for tanks. The title says so but the body of the post says y’all are only looking for “Amazing Healer Monk, Disc, Shaman; Amazing DPS Warlock, Mage, DK, Boom”.

If y’all are indeed looking for a tank, I’d love to speak to y’all! Feel free to add me on BattleNet and/or Discord: Zurikyu#1360 (for both).



Yes we are still looking for DK DPS, Range DPS and a Tank.

1 Like

Still looking for a final few spots.

boom hey there

Bumpity bump bump

hey shaddy how are you

Up we go. Up we go.

Looking for more

i like bacon, it is tasty

Bumpity bump bump

hey there shaddy

Bumpy bump

jhjifjehfilekjf my daughter helped me bump

Your daughter was a bump not too long ago xD

still looking

We want YOU for Skunkworks army :point_left: