Skip DK intro

Or just start all DKs the option to start at level 10 and skip the intro if they have done it once, and give DHs the same option if they have done the intro at least once.


We’ve all run the intro zones enough now, lol. Just give an option to skip base race intro zones and do like allieds, level 10 and ready to play.
I want to do a goblin, but I just cant force myself to do either starting zone again for a long while, lol


Then make a pandaren dk.

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if i could play a skinny panda yes

I spaced my core race death knights out so by the time I did the next one it had been awhile since I did it last and it was like visiting an old friend.


That is dedication. :slight_smile:

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And he still cant get the love rocket to drop.


Why would you want to skip such awesome quests? How many DKs are you rolling that you’re bothered by the intro quests?

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What even is this monstrosity of which you speak?


No its this guy again. You should take a look at his posts. I fell for his bait once already and responded to his thread. Just a bored poster on a Sunday with nothing to do.

I didnt read his post this time around… It might actually be good but he lead me astray more than once today already.


In my case, indecision. (Most of my insanity is limited to Hunters though, I have a problem with Hunters…)

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Ugh. I took the bait all day too. Oh well.

Seeing further into your post , I’m sorry but 1-2 hours questing in the old DK start zone really isn’t that bad comparitively to when Dks first hit.

I do get where you’re coming from. It would be nice if there was a skip option if already done at this point.

I seriously doubt they are loosing anyone over the Dk start zone.

See back in the day, the DK starting zone saved you 55 levels

Is someone holding you hostage?! Blink twice if you’re in trouble


Get em!
He’s trying to get back into real life!!!
/chases after with dart gun


Now people want to skip staring zones?

Doesn’t anyone on GD actually want to play the game? At all?

Try to remember every time play time is removed from the base game, it is added in the form of a convoluted system fed by repetitive content in the end game.

And FYI, it takes less than an hour to complete everything in the DK starting zone before the final battle if you know what you are doing. And if you have done it so much you want to skip it, you should know what you are doing.

On one hand, I understand the OP’s request.
On the other hand. Riding a dragon and blowing up scarlet crusaders is epic.

OP is really on a weird path. Most people are not playing through the DK intro repeatedly in a short period of time. They already did give us a DK intro skip in the form of allied races. It is a general purpose intro skip. It is a clean and effective solution. Your specific case of making 10 level 30s of the same class with having no other experience of the game is probably not common enough to justify a major coding effort. Even if they did give us a more specific DK intro skip, it would likely be awarded at a later phase of progression, and likely similar effort level of unlocking an allied race, which would make it moot since you already have that available.

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Hell no.

You will play the best starter zone in the game, and by God you will enjoy it more every time.

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