I’m unsure what’s confusing about it. Just craft with highest tier materials and not worry about it. Otherwise, if you want to game the system with lower tier materials and inspiration, then this clarification shows that you’re still able to reach the top possible skill in crafting. It’s also a good lesson in trying to find a skilled crafter instead of public orders that could use very low quality materials.
We’ve established this by trial and error I think, it is 25% of the recipe difficulty, which obviously varies, for Q3 and half that for Q2.
If so, why not recrafting only take 40% of the whole reagent?
I want to bump this because from just a common sense/accessibility standpoint, literally why?
If with Skill Level/mats, I can craft an item at a promised quality, why would it require MORE SKILL to recraft with better materials? And why would it differ if Im recrafting for myself vs someone else? Ive lost Recrafting Orders because I need 13+ more skill points than making the item from scratch.
RL example: If I can make an entire table by hand, cutting the tree down, sawing into the pieces needed, sanding each piece down, making the screws, drilling the pilot holes, assembling the ENTIRE TABLE…WHY would it take MORE SKILL to replace a leg, use better screws, or apply a nicer varnish? It would not. It doesn’t make sense.
Not every system in WoW has to be micro’d into oblivion to prevent 3 people from potential abusing it. Just let people make things.
It’s also a good lesson in trying to find a skilled crafter instead of public orders that could use very low quality materials.
Well actually, you provide the materials for a public order, so it’s on you to use the quality materials.
As for the people complaining about a complicated system, they actually came up with a very clever system. The cheapest way to make it is to wait until you have the skill, and make it once with perfect mats. If you want to make it early, but you still provide best mats, you’re good. it will cost you more mats in the long run, but you get the gear quicker, and can upgrade it later. If you are really lazy early on, and use terrible materials, it will take multiple times to make it, requiring much more materials, but your initial craft is cheaper; works out well for getting it quickly, or if you end up replacing it before maxing it out.
That said, the UI really should convey some of this, as it was not clear what was happening, and that I needed to do multiple crafts to compensate for not having 150 rank 3 mats when I first made it.
It doesn’t require more skill to recraft it with better materials, it requires the same, with the same material, but recrafting only uses a portion of the materials, so it may take multiple recrafts to achieve the desired effects.
E.G. if you initially make a house out of sticks, and then you “recraft” it with bricks, but only provide 40% of the bricks needed to make a house, you have a house that is 60% sticks, and 40% brick; makes sense it wouldn’t be as good as a house that is entirely brick. Recraft it a couple more times and you can make it 100% brick, which would be just as good as a house originally made with brick, and would take approximately the same number of bricks to make it (potentially less if skill can compensate meaning you only need 80% bricks; potentially more as 40% 3 times becomes 120%).
As for your example, when recrafting others, you started with a lower quality item, which is why you couldn’t recraft it to the same level you originally made. Even though you were better than the original craft, 60% of it was still the original, and your skill was 13 to low to be so amazing to compensate for their lack in one recraft. So in your table example, it’s not that it takes more skill to replace a mediocre leg, it doesn’t, but it takes more skill to only replace a leg of a mediocre table, and end up with a great table, let alone a fantastic one. While you can create a fantastic table entirely, putting a fantastic leg on a mediocre table, is still a ways off from a fantastic table.
Is this level of complication really needed?
Especially as someone trying to get gear crafted, that has no professions, this kind of complexity makes it really difficult to understand how to best approach getting gear made.
Also - how do you even get mettle in order to get an item recrafted if you don’t have professions?
This. 100% this.
And if you’re going to micro it into oblivion, PUT IT IN THE BLOODY INTERFACE INGAME so that people know what they’re wasting their once-per-fortnight reagent on.
I am loving Dragonflight—can’t say enough nice things about it—but I really want to fuss at whoever came up with the tooltips for every aspect of the profession system. It’s absurd how vague and intentionally uninformative every part of the profession system is.
It needs to be updated with tooltips in clear language and mouseover information about every part of the quality situation. Seriously, it is beyond my ability to fathom why the team went with “cutesy and vague so they’ll have no idea what’s happening or how to spec or what to prioritize” in a brand new system this complex.
You provide the materials, not the crafter, so this is blame shifting at its finest. They will 100% dogpile the crafter if the quality doesn’t come out right and blame the crafter’s skill or accuse them of something nefarious, when the reality is: it’s because the player used 1-2* mats on first craft.
When they go to recraft, they will go and buy 3* mats, send it off to a crafter expecting it to come back “fixed,” and when they receive an item with lower numbers than they expected in return, they will 100% blame the crafter because NONE of this math is explained or warned about in the game.
No it should not require a bug report and a ted talk to explain crafting.
I’m still trying to figure out all the ways to level up my skill for crafting specific items. There is the direct skills for specific items, but that’s not enough to max your skill at making said item or items.
Example: On my LW I maxed out the skill for making armor kits but I can’t make fierce armor kits at max quality no matter what I do. So what do I put points in to improve that if the skill for armor kits is maxed already?
For some crafts, you probably won’t be able to guarantee the highest quality, ever. You’ll need to improve your inspiration to get more random high quality crafts.
I’m aware what inspiration does, that tends to be for maxing crafted gear to 418 or whatever max is after you have already maxed all your skills. A bit of RNG for high end crafted gear.
I’m trying to figure out if or what other skills may up my quality without inspiration or other means of crafting higher quality. Like the EXAMPLE I gave. If I’m maxed out on armor kits skill is there other skills I can put points in to help up my skills for crafting them? Not inspiration skills, just straight up more skill.
Now if I could reset my skill points and mess around with trying out new things I could figure it out for myself. As they made crafting the longest grind in the history of WoW this expansion, it’s nice to get some information before spending those precious points.
You don’t need to reset your knowledge points for that, you just need to be able to read. Check the description of each node in the tree, and the milestones of that node, and you’ll understand if it’ll affect your skill in making armor kits.
And no, the purpose of inspiration isn’t to just bring a bit of randomness to high-level equipment crafting, but also to trade goods like armor kits. Just from taking a quick look at the LW tree, I can tell you right now that Curing and Tanning and Leatherworking Discipline are the only nodes that affect your armor kit skill. If you have maxed both of those nodes, have maxed leathworking and +22 skill from profession equipment, and you’re still not able to guarantee maximum quality armor kit crafts with r3 mats, then only inspiration will help you with that.
Was the mat bonus nerfed to +75? It seems to be capping at +75.