Siren Isle Update Notes

Siren Isle Update Notes

The Siren Isle update is now live!

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Why’d we need a 2nd thread, and the link doesn’t even work in this one

Edit: They fixed it

Since you are doing updates to racials for certain races in 11.0.7, can you please fix the bug that the Kul Tiran racial ‘Jack of all trades’ does not apply to secondary professions. The racial says “Skill in ALL professions increased by 2” but it only applies to primary professions. Last time I checked, secondary professions are still professions. Therefore the all statement is false.


Can’t get criticized for bad game balance if you don’t even try

Big brain


Blizzard I love you this new content is just what we need! Thanks to the developers and storey writers and the entire team working on the game.


So…no weekly catalyst charges, like how it worked in DF?

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Can’t wait for all the meaningless racial tuning! So glad we got that in place of actual spec balance.


Is pretty wild how some specs have been dead the entire expansion (brewmaster lol) and we get a big “patch” with 0 balance changes


Would be nice to have a release date for real content rather than get fed slop to fill your quota

If you canned the entire patch to make 11.1 come out 1 hour earlier it’s worth it


And when tuning does come in for the overperforming specs (fdk) it ends up being a net buff for some weird reason.

Maybe during the mysteries of the island we will figure out they’re just the strongest specs by far lore-wise :clown_face:

I did enjoy the balance tuning they did to frost, and specifically said it was to nerf frost

Then they ended up only nerfing blood cuz they didn’t make the deathbringer changes frost only and only remembered like weeks later they nerfed blood

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The math the simulation nerds did said otherwise.

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Absolutely wild that the Mag’har buffs are even going live unless it’s just to cash in on the mass amount of people race changing because it’s just disgusting for any 2m spec.

I see x-faction dungeon queues still require a full premade. Isn’t the whole point of that system to match you with other players?


You say that, but I didn’t see dwarf or nelf being nerfed so

Good chance people will continue to be dwarf and nelf

14 minute-ish gap for your first post a bout Siren Isle, coulda just waited to post it all in one thread, no?

Oh joy. Another currency to ignore.


I mean, content is content, but this just feels like Forbidden Reach 2.0. The ring will probably start out OP (although some of the balance choices actually make it look very weak, idk), making it a mandatory grind, then will be nerfed into mediocrity before the next patch. Not going to lie, I only did Forbidden Reach for the rep mounts and expansion achieve mount. Did not particularly find it that fun or engaging.


Blizzard I will never complain about what you do for us. I think its a shame so many people in this thread can’t take the time to thank the team for their hard work and years to make such great content.