Sira Moonwarden

Just logged back in, and the huge crowd was gone, and she was dying as she’s supposed to.

Please fix this!!

Relogged and this did not work.

It’s okay guys, Blizzard is new to the PC gaming world. They have been so focused on their mobile properties recently. It only makes sense that bugs were going to happen on a PC content patch.

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Bugged on Skywall. People keep phasing in and attacking. Crowd keeps growing.

Same on Medivh

bugged on dawnbringer

same here nerzhul

Same on Shattered Halls

For future readers: issue is not you. Need to wait for Blizz to reset character, or get lucky and everyone leaves so she resets (fat chance of that).

Hey Blizzrad, mind giving us a freaking update on what is going on, or if you’re actually doing ANYTHING to fix this crap? This is exactly why you lose subs. You lack communication and you let crap like this into live.

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I killed her on my phone, you dont have phones guyz?=

Same on Azralon

Yep, in my instance too. Great work Blizz!

cool free time to go kill moar bears and pigeons

Exactly. I mean, it’s their first PC content launch ever. Gotta give them at least some leeway here.

Same on Wyrmrest Accord

She is bugged on Thrall as well. Just stuck at .01%

Bugged on Brazil too, gallywix

I am experiencing this on Moon Guard.

Good patch, Blizzard. Good Quality Assurance.