Since we are nerfing frustrating things

It is frustrating to fight sub rogues who sap and drop resonator on you forcing trinkets and then killing you during smokebomb then cheapshot spam.

It is frustrating watching your teammates die in shadowy duel because sub rogue damage is way too high for their level of control.

It is frustrating to die to Vendetta/Sepsis because you dont have an immunity.

It is also frustrating to watch rogues continue to reset the fight over and over again because their high number of defensives and CCs.

It is frustrating to be Dragons breath then ring of frost while your partner gets polymorphed 2 or 3 times and the mage with his partner beat on your other teammate like a punching bag.

It is frustrating that during AWC all we see are 15 mage teams.

(Craven nerf was justified. But RMX needs serious adjustments)


I love how we don’t even touch fury, DH, BM/SV damage, hpals, warlocks, eles, enhances, guardians, Unholy.

We just focus on RMP.


I actually don’t mind the damage right now, what I care about is the amount of synergy and the CC chains that RMX can pull off. Their toolkits combined are absolutely insane compared to synergy of any other combination of specs.

I think a look into specific abilities DR’ing with others would be a great start. Also Shadowy Duel is just a gimmicky crap ability that isn’t even necessary.


Fury was nerfed. Enhance was nerfed last patch. Surv damage nerf that is coming season 4 is AoE in mythic+ same with locks.

When double ANYTHING is a viable comp, (double outlaw rogue) then that anything needs nerfs. And RMP has been the top of the food chain for years.


Fury wasn’t nerfed. Slaughterhouse exists and they can still zug you. Dying in 1 more global does not change the specs inherent strength.

Enhance/ele are just pain to play against, but have counters.

SV damage nerf is irrelevant, needs to be gutted. Bring back frostfire ammunition dot hunter.

Locks are broken vs everything not named RMP.

I’d argue double outlaw isn’t even that OP. Versus most of the meta, sure it’s strong, but I’d say that everyone forgot double DH can be a thing.

Probably because while the other stuff is bad, RMX is worse so people focus on it because objectively terrible players get to sit on something bullet proof that just mulches everything else.


Lol fury was definitely nerfed. Whether or not it was enough is another conversion but it was definitely nerfed. Im not sure what your deal with survival is but WW is pretty powerful as well. Does WW need more nerfs?

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I want you to link me any game where you’re dying because of crushing blow and not rampage spam, and how if it was nerfed by 30% then you’d of lived and won that game.

I guarentee you that in 1000 games you can maybe find one isntance where that nerf impacts anything. Does the conqueror banner nerf hit hard? Sure, but it’s not changing the specs strength, playstyle, or any of the comps it can play.

And yeah, WW needs to have its damage gutted and survivability buffed. You act like I haven’t played this spec for 10 years or been on top of the food chain for it for over half those. WW needs to die in a fire.

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Lol Warrior Ret def feels weaker to the point where they will get farmed by caster cleaves that play properly. There is no wombo one shot goes anymore to stop the oppressive infinite CC Demo has.

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Yeah, but most of its core stuff is still super good, and by that I mean mobility via Crushing Blows as well as the 40% mortal strike that you have enough rage/mobility to maintain.

5% dmg from conq is notable, along with the 20% on CB, but it’s still going to do to most people what it did last week.

Does it need more nerfs? Unsure. Curious to see how it squares up with havoc and DK now.

I dont disagree. Fury is obviously very strong. But RMX is exponentially more frustrating to play against


Literally no one disagrees that RMP is frustrating to play against. We all want that comp and everything about it gutted into the dirt.

Doesn’t just mean you can ignore everything else that is problematic lol

Yeah, and I imagine the issue is that low-mid end rmps keep the performance of the specs low enough that the people with hands can keep doing their thing.

Oh, for sure. Lots of adjustments to be made. It’s also crazy how many things could potentially pop up just with how many comps there are now, then leggos, covs, etc.

People with hands can’t do things vs RMP thats the main problem. It’s gotta be hit hard in PVP on damage with the CC they have.

If you look at details RMP is not doing top dmg unless game is over pre 30 seconds however it still needs nerf in the burst stun goes.

Im not ignoring everything else. But RMX needs nerfs right now more than anything else. (Maybe not DK/Demo havent seen it enough yet).

But why does RMP need a nerf and nothing else right now.

I can go queue up smokebomb with gzy & tyga and farm every RMP on the ladder. We’ll only lose to fury warriors. From my perspective that now means fury needs to be nerfed not RMP.

You see the flawed thinking here?

I don’t think anybody is saying nerf RMP and RMP alone and then the ladder would be perfect.

They just want RMP nerfed because it hasn’t really been touched.


Dude. They literally just nerfed ret/warrior. Yes Fury is strong perhaps oppressive. But they did nerf it.

The game would be broken even if RMP gets nerfed. True. However the game is worse because they are top and there isn’t outplay to be done as most times you die to goes that aren’t even real goes.

This. 100%. Yes. RMX hasnt been touched. The synergy and resets with top tier burst is insane.