Since The Sky Is Falling, What's Your Favorite Flying Mount?

Well I meant my favorite tends to jump around a lot so it’s hard to nail down which is my all time favorite mount. But yea I am stupid enough that I’d probably couldn’t pronounce anything if I tried.

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I do agree with this, too. It’s why I want Blizzard to enable flying on every single mount, and now I want them to enable dynamic flying on every mount, too, animation be damned. Just make them only use standard flying animations for now if you can’t get dynamic flying animations to work on them yet.

EDIT: Make it a toggle, of course, for those that don’t like dynamic flying


I didn’t mean any ill will with my dumb pun - I just…saw an opportunity to be punny and I couldn’t help myself.

I once called a professor or arithmetic a “mathmatologist” and I was sober and past 20. I definitely have pronunciation issues.

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It’s fine, I suffer from an overwhelming amount of self hatred. It’s honestly a wonder I’m still alive really.


Don’t we all :confused:

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I’m sorry my man. I can appreciate that fight. I hope you come out on top, Kaz. Having dry and dark humor is still a gift.

(I also am outta likes, otherwise I’d give the brand name like under your post. But I have to settle for off-brand: :blue_heart:)

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It depends on the character. On this character specifically? Sharkbait.

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That’s because you’re a survivor! :smiley:

I have two.

My favorite dragon mount is still the Reins of the Ironbound Proto-Drake.

My favorite class mount which I use all the time for my Warlock is the
Shadowy Reins of the Accursed Wrathsteed.


The Warlock one is a very nice mount and one of the chief reasons I’m tempted to making a Void Elf Warlock.


Not sure. I find the best aesthetically pleasing mounts tend to be ground mounts. If I had to choose I’d go with the mount from Sha of Anger. Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent.

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I love all the cat mounts most flying or not

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Ha mounts are overrated :smiley:

Same, I also love all cats lol


I think protodrakes and netherwing drakes have always been my fav, so I was happy they got some upgraded ones for DF


I still use my blazing drake from dragonsoul, 12 years later. I also really like smoldering drake

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I love my green proto drake and the obsidian worldbreaker.

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The Solar Spirehawk.

1000 kills to get it and it’s a pretty birb.

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Cockatiel mounts, when?

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