Since blizzard is balancing pvp

Well at least your using facts to base your argument now! Much better, thaaannks!

The meta will more than likely shift to WSG, premades won’t end entirely. But far as AV goes, you won’t see as many as before.

Yea. I’d say that’s an accurate assessment.

What is that phrase alliance loves to use?

…oh yeah thats right

If You Dont Like It Reroll™


Only people with serious insecurities start degrading people on their parses in a PvP conversation, lol.


Sorry what ? They have done nothing in this space

and thus the circle is complete

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If they’re going to “Tinker” with the racials I would rather they just flat delete them so every character is effectively the same, no differences in hit boxes, or any BS just the same.

This would change how people pick a race entirely because no longer would be be about min-maxing, but only about what aesthetically pleases them.

If you don’t see what I am saying, just look at just how damn many Human and Orc characters there are because of how unreasonably strong their racials are.

I’ve got no dogs in this fight, but if you’re going to bring up someone else’s parses, you’d better be rocking some orange and pinks. Not sitting down around 70-85% parses.

That being said, Classic parses are pretty irrelevant in this phase.

My 2 Cents.

Was hoping now one would check feels bad

I didn’t check, want to know why? I didn’t care about his parses either. besides this was a pvp thread, and lol parsing in pvp

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You should ask blizzard to rename your character to hylytilted imo. Fits better.

You should be confident enough to state your mind on your main. Gtfo beta

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Translation: BUT MAH PREMADES!

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its not an advantage if its horde tilted. only if its something alliance has.

you should know this man!

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Lol calling somebody a beta. Neckbeard incel spotted.

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Confused by title. Giving horde more advantages is balance?

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This “adjustment” will barely affect the alliance AV premades, and is a massive buff to horde AV premades.