Since Blizz is charging 15/month for Classic,

I mean I view it as saving money. I thought they would forsure be adding a seperate subscription to play classic. Its definitely a plus for people like me who enjoy retail and want to play classic.

How mqny pages did you need handled by a gm in vanilla? Me personally i think i made about 4 pages and maybe maybe 1 would of needed a live person now a days to deal with. I remember making pages for loot lag/stuck more then anything. Also since vanilla ive maybe made 2 pages to report people which should be reviewed anyways.

In some interview a Blizzard or former Blizzard employee told that they don’t have dedicated teams for different games, but same GM handles many games. You are right that we should be getting support for the money and I think we get the same amount of GM support as do other Blizzard games.

I think that time will tell when it comes to this. If Classic brings back a whole new craze we will see more support and TBC servers announced. I think if it flounders under 300k we will get what we get.

I agree though when it comes to the rightclick report/ban thing. I can’t understand why Blizzard doesn’t have staff being a confirmation before a squelch happens. 5 people are able to destroy a persons day on Vanilla. Don’t give me that crap either about how you can just make a ticket if you where falsely muted. I have a to make a ticket to be able to communicate in the game after being bullied into a silence by 5 people? People still defend it here, not sure how or why.

I play retail for free because it isn’t hard in the slightest to farm up 1 token in a month, so Classic is free for me as well.

Who are you?

Red alert 2 ? Yuri’s revenge?

You are not paying $15 a month for classic. You are paying $15 a month for WoW, which includes retail and classic.

Given inflation, that same $15 a month means blizz should be charging $20 a month for the same service. You are effectively getting a discounted price by paying the same price 15 years later for the same service.

They didn’t fire anybody. They were laid off. There’s a huge difference. And those layoffs were not all CS personal. Publishing and esports actually took the brunt of the layoffs.

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Fired = you lose your job

Layed off = you lose your job

Whether they tell you “you deserved it” or “they had no choice” doesn’t matter… The end result is the same. Whether it makes you feel better or it looks better on your resume means little.

You get a severance package? Ok… If it’s a good one, maybe.

You can’t put icing on rotten fruit. It still tastes foul and is the same rotten apple.

Given the economics corollary of Moore’s Law, the cost of computer hardware and software services, for the “same service” is cut in half every two years. So, that $20 CPI-adjusted number becomes $20/(2^7) = $0.16. :slight_smile:


sub will be $15 if you have BofA. otherwise it will be $20

Nope. You need an active Retail WoW sub to access Classic. Classic doesn’t have its own sub.

No one cares that you farm wow tokens. I’m just a player.

I spend like 6 hours a month farming up the 1 token I need for a free month of WoW. I’m just a player who doesn’t want to spend money on WoW.

It’s too bad that Activision-Blizzard just fired a lot of their support staff in favor of more profits and more automation. Even our favorite CM here was let go without warning.

We would all rather have better support staff, but ActiBlizz wants to spend money on new games and expansions.

Those employees weren’t fired, they were laid off. Huge difference.

But yes, it DOES suck.

A lot of them were even given the option to quit with a years salary. Blizzard saw what was about to happen before it happened.

The long term is that Acti-Blizz wants more money, so they want to spend less by cutting where they think can get away with it, and earn more by producing more.

There is no “Auto-Ban” or auto suspension. The only auto punishment is the squelch and that comes from multiple people reporting you.

As a business owner, those are two very different results. One involves me paying out money. The other, doesn’t.

That makes no sense. People who only want to play a 15 year-old version of the game have to pay more than they did when it was relevant?