Simplify The Game

180 posts in I’m still trying to figure out what, exactly, the OP is all worked up about.

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OP say you’re bad because you play with 180 addons.

I too hate video games with tons of content. Oh wait i don’t. :thinking:

…Then play another MMO. :man_shrugging:

Like Guild Wars 2 or SWTOR.

OP is angry that after playing for nearly 10 years he still can’t figure out what to do.

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Back to classic it is then!

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Remix made me realize one thing I miss about old WoW was 1 end-game currency. Like Valor Points that can be used at any level, versus several layers of crests.

Laid it on too thick. 3/10 troll post.

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most of that stuff you can ignore completely and still enjoy the game. i pay no attention to the lore. i can barely tell you who any of the main characters are or what they did that’s noteworthy. no clue, don’t care, not interested. i’m glad it’s there for people who are interested in it, but by no means does anyone need to spend “10+ in a basement” to play and have fun :slight_smile:

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Here we go again another assault on retail saying it’s too CONFUSING or too COMPLICATED or too BLOATED like Oh My God. It’s like a never ending cycle with these topics on any social media to YouTubers and Twitch it’s like everyone is jumping on this bandwagon on painting retail like this bloated and confusing mess of a game.

If it’s all of that then why stay and play when you have classic and other games on the market.

Also if dragonflight is too confusing or too complicated then why not wait until The War Within and play the game instead of whining and complaining.

I haven’t moved the goalposts at all, your brain is just catching up to where the thread always was.

True true. You’re far too big-brained for me

I just can’t anymore I totally feel you. We need a revolution!

I don’t agree about too many quests but I think the rotations are far too complex. I’d like to see those greatly simplified

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Because people have invested a lot of time into their toons, transmogs, pets, mounts, achievements, etc.

Most of my rotations haven’t changed. Only some specs ended up that way. And no, I don’t want a 3 button droolfest. But I do think a few need looked at and fixed.

All the people that joined in late…”gEt GuD”

you mean this 20 year old game has more quests, characters, and content than the other version that has like a decade less of content?
(also addons are 100% optional and not needed for any content in the game. )
and I’d wager it has never been made more streamlined with quests than now.
before you just did every quest out there, not even sure if it was actually important or not. Now you can at least tell story from side stuff.

Speak for yourself, I had a lot of fun with a 4-5 button rotation topping dps charts, was easier to focus on my kick to interrupt targets too!

Shocking… I did:

I don’t agree with that about limiting, are you looking for one more Fortnite?

In any case, limiting or revamping without the old content is bad and selfish, knowing that the video game gives you the freedom where you want to go.

Now if you want to be a loremaster or explorer in your title list, then that is your problem.

Don’t worry, however, the ending of WoW stands out in the World Soul Saga expansion trilogy.