Simple Dragon riding or no macro?

I’ve got a macro I use on a couple of my toons as follows:

/use [mod:shift,noflying] traveler’s tundra mammoth
/use [nomod,noflying] Sinrunner Blanchy
/dismount [mod:alt]
#showtooltip [flying] Sinrunner Blanchy

What would be the easiest way when I’m out in the Dragon Isles to just have it default to the Velocidrake? I’ve tried a few things but can’t seem to get it to work. I must be getting tired.

Just steal the first line.

Thanks I’ll take a look at that this morning and see if I can make it work. I fiddled around a little last night but got errors.

I’m just trying to create one simple button on the end of a toolbar that’ll do this:

If in a dragon riding area, show the icon for whatever highland drake (or whatever) and use it if clicked with no modifiers. If not a dragon riding area, show the icon and use one of my flying horse mounts (Blanchy, in this example) with no modifiers. No matter what area, with a shift-click I’d like to use the tundra mammoth and with an alt-click dismount no matter what.

/run if IsUsableSpell(368896) and not IsModifierKeyDown() then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(1591) end

Thanks!!! I think I may just use that as a separate button and put my other little macro on another one. I can probably make it all work in one but it’s going to be bigger than the 255 character limit. Darn you, Blizzard!


#showtooltip Sinrunner Blanchy
/run if IsUsableSpell(368896) and not IsModifierKeyDown() then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(1591) end
/use [mod:shift,noflying] Traveler's Tundra Mammoth; [nomod,noflying] Sinrunner Blanchy
/dismount [mod:alt]
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Awesome! THanks!

I use a macro as follows, how do you run the command to click a slot?
/click [flyable] MultiBarRightButton1; [swimming] MultiBarRightButton2; MultiBarRightButton3
This way each of my chars has different mounts in those areas and uses the same macro

Randomly saw this earlier today: 10.0.7 will add a new conditional “advflyable” for “player is in an area that supports advanced flying” (dragon riding).

Mhmm. Looking forward to it.