Simple blizzard improvements

The wave of negativity has occurred largely due to the following factors:

  • Slow delivery of content
    -Lack of proper class tuning and balancing throughout the patch:
    We don’t need to wait an entire patch for a class to get 5% damage buffs. This should always be done throughout the patch cycle. Major patches should mainly see large changes such as changing the function of an ability.

-Active blue posts showing they care and are listening to the community regarding issues from all aspects of the game.
Class, pve, pvp and open world content

-Making the game alt friendly is one of the best ways of retaining a player base throughout the patch.


And the masses hunger frothing at the mouth for more In their gluttony. We just got a new patch. However there Is plenty to do In the game. People just want to see new flashy shiny things. Invent more! It’s never enough.

This is mainly cause of the world first tunings. After the .5 patches drops their are barley any changes.

I agree that new content has just dropped and it is really well done. But the narrative is not in Blizzards favor. The post is meant to show improvement in communications.

Seeing a Blizzard post highlighted in green just seems unnatural.

Id settle for more quest lines that actually take more than an hour to play after half a year of waiting.