Silvermoon City a Neutral City

Allied races, specifically the elf kind, were a mistake.

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Silvermoon doesn’t deserve the Void Elves.

Void elves were a mistake.


Give me Void Elf Paladins and I’ll faction change in a heartbeat.

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If only there was a neutral city where the majority of high elves reside


Silvermoon IS a Horde city.

It is really unbelievable to be asking for a Horde city to become neutral. How do you think this is fair?

The cult of ‘WANT’ is getting out of hand.


As much as it would be kind of cool to see void and blood elves walk around in the same city, SM is a horde city and I can’t see that change. Void elves were literally given the boot and are now considered traitors; and since I quite like to keep my head, I will keep my hide far from SM gates.

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No! Silvermoon is for the blood elves! Why not champion for our own city? One where Void AND High elves reside in? It would be a great story to see be fleshed out as they make a brand new capital!

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I mean, the horde got kicked out of Dalaran and they were invited back shortly after. It’s not an impossible story twist, just probably not.

“Give an inch, take a mile”


Stop. Trying. To. Take. Horde. Things.

No. Silvermoon is a Horde city. Stop it.


I really like to see this

**Hide it so your eyes don't bleed of so much Fandom over Silvermoon City Update**

After a proper EPIC Warfront or Pre-patch of SL of invading Scourge to use the Sun Well this time to crack open a portal to the Maw, were ALL who are or were High elves including the Darkfallen and Nightborn allies come together to save the city
 with a such a fierce determination, passion, prowess and power never seen before in WoW history! :star_struck:

As the victory is in our grasp, a Jailor or some other undead baddie like a Garrithos, Dhar’Khan or both appear to be a diversion of something more dangerous or some other plot that is about to repeat the Sun Well’s Corruption? :thinking:

Only to be save at the last moment by a brief appearance of Keal’thas Sunstrider setting part of the story we meet at Revendreth!!! :exploding_head:

And after a beautiful epic cinematic we get a Silvermoon update and it becomes Neutral for all High/Blood/Void/San’layn/Dark rangers Elves combine with Nightborn Allies! The End and Heeeeellloooo new Silvermoon! :heart_eyes:

Ahhhh one could only dream

Ehem sorry had to much Fel this morning, so as I was saying yes I like that very much! :sweat_smile: :rofl:

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No. Those freaks were exiled because they are an existential threat to the city just by getting too close.

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Hey they can’t get on our space rock.

You could always be a rogue and visit family members that still accept you. :slight_smile:

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Make SMC as well as the immediate surrounding areas (but not all of the belf lands ) friendly to Velfs!

Dalaran has always been a neutral city in game and the Horde doesn’t pose a direct threat to a well of power that keeps those there alive and healthy. It’s not exactly the same thing.

Silvermoon has been Horde since it was put in WoW. It’d be most logical to gives Void Elves a city of their own. We aren’t welcome on Telogrus Rift. They aren’t welcome in Silvermoon.


Actually, a neutral city with zero or very few guards could be a lot of fun

The horde posed a direct threat to actual lives, not just lifeblood, in Dalaran, that’s why they were expelled. I understand what you mean about them being a danger to the Sunwell, however, the Sunwell does not reside in Silvermoon. Also, it could be said that the horde are an even greater threat to Dalaran, since the damage they did could not be undone (lives lost, Theramore destroyed). Meanwhile, the beasts that come out of the Sunwell if someone void affiliated should accidentally happen onto the teleporter, which could be guarded, could be put down without the loss of life.

Dalaran was always meant to be neutral.

Silvermoon was always meant to be Horde in this game.

Sure, the well is on the Isle. But you can only guarantee it’s safety if everyone is kept away from it. Otherwise the void can completely poison it like fel did. Belves are under no obligation to take a chance on the well being damaged again.

The Velves could eventually be allowed pilgrimage like Helves are. But it should remain Horde. And the Velves should get their own city.

Again, we aren’t welcome in Telogrus Rift. And no one is calling for that to be neutral.

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Bull. The reason the Blood elves were expelled was because Jaina threw a temper tantrum and the Silver Covenant were aching to murder Sunreaver civillians. Vereesa even had a list of store owners to murder ready to go.

If the Blood elves were a giant threat to Dalaran as a whole, they wouldn’t have been trying to secure a way to flee Garrosh’s control.