Silver covenant faction as an alliance allied race topic

Tuskarr for Horde, Jinyu for Alliance.

There’s sea theme for everyone and I get to poke bellies in peace.

The Jinyu already have a horde pairing in the Hozen.

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And Hozen are great.

But the humans might feel insecure if another ape race becomes playable :smirk:

Hi playable blood elf from horde. This is request for playable alliance faction as allied race. Thank you

blood elves, yes.

I don’t have a link, but it’s on the old website under the little Tuskarr section. You might be able to find a link on WBM or something. It’s cited and there’s a link on wowwiki, but the link is hilariously out of date.

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Aren’t you human though?

Blood Elves are High Elves.


What blasphemy is this?

I’m far more evolved. I transcended death itself.

/evil cackle

Blood elves are blood elves, high elves are high elves, void elves are void elves.

Forsaken humans or elves no longer identify as human or elves.

https ://wowpedia .fandom .com/wiki/High_elf


However, a few high elves did not rename themselves blood elves. High elves and blood elves are physiologically the same race, and the difference between high and blood elves is only politica When Quel’Thalas left the Alliance, some high elves chose to remain with their allies over their kingdom, and to this day still support the Alliance. [Some high elves were exiled from Quel’Thalas after the Third War Other high elf remnants have chosen to rejoin the Alliance in recent years, arriving to a cold reception.Modern high elves are a rare sight, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves. In consequence, there are very few high elves left on Azeroth today. High elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture—only a past filled with glory and regret.


Might want to give this one another glance.

Actually, I think you did that already. This time, really read it.


So you’re an undead monkey.

Where did your tusks go, troll.

Two can play this game.

Blood Elves are High Elves.


Only just after 4 in the afternoon.

The Truthspeaker has spoken. This issue should be laid to rest.

They disappeared when I evolved to be better than a troll. I evolved into an elf. And not just any form of elf. A Night Elf.

Fan sites do not interests me.

Read , it’s about blood elves. Your point?

Just play a void elf bro