Sign Up To Test The War Within

This is for Beta not Alpha :slight_smile:
if you have paid for Epic edition then yes you get access to the Beta so no need to worry


What i want most is to play around with the earthen.
Check out their customisation, voice lines, how they look in mog etc


But you’d get to see those glorius nipples again…


I literally forgot that is a “feature” in Warthin.


What has Retail become?


Earthen arent an exciting addition.
But they could still be fun to play.
But i wont know until i get my hands on them.

No. I work as a software tester. I ain’t doing it for free.


Australian accents or we riot!


Im routing for irish.
The uks other drunks :stuck_out_tongue:

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beta access is enabled on the account… there are no codes or keys.
that hasn’t been a thing for a very long time.


The new spell book and new quest map ui

I can’t wait to see it in person.

Signed up. Can’t wait to see all the details of the new expac!

Is the beta available to be installed from the launcher now? I don’t see it in the game version drop down.

Beta test already? I thought it was going to be summer.

Whatever you do don’t invite the above people they’re evil. Only Lord Padgarre deserves the invite! :wink:

June, July, and August are considered to be summer months.

We’re in middle April.

I hereby bless the month of April and denote it a summer month.

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Why bother? You (Blizzard) will just ignore any feedback as normal…


This isn’t true they do listen, but very very very slowly do they listen. Not that we’re always right either btw.

Padgarre alone has been responsible for great changes.

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Signed up myself, hopefully I can get a beta invite I’ve never gotten picked before.

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Oh, I thought the war within was just meant to represent the emotional turmoil the (non players) heroes are going through. I didn’t think it was suppose to be literal, as in the war within the depths of Azeroth. Really makes the name worse imo.

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But we have to save Azeroth champion… heal the woons!