Siege weapons, automated/magical or Blizzard just not rendering their drivers?

Vereesa is Silver Covenant, so I did see Silver Covenant.

I’m not offended by dismissing my idea/theory or anything. It’s just that, after all. You’re welcome to dismiss it.

I am bothered that you confused me for someone who would tell others to take what I say as fact when it’s just speculation.

At the end of the day, there is no way to prove whether the Void Elves and Silver Covenant had any greater presence in the second Siege of Orgrimmar than what we saw there. Perhaps some Dev might let out a tweet at some point, but I doubt it will be anytime soon.

The only other thing I could point out to support my theory (and it’s pretty weak so feel free to dismiss it), is that often-times Blizzard tries to be, ‘blatantly subtle,’ such as during the 9.1 reveal cinematic where Anduin goes to Bastion and stabs the Archon. That Kyrestia raised her hand after Anduin stole her Sigil was meant to show that she was still alive.

Obviously it shows that she survived that initial strike, but not that it wasn’t some death-rattle type of movement. I’d argue the presence of those Ballistae might have been there for the same effect. “Hey, the Alliance is here, even the Silver Covenant.”

My only other theory specifically involving the Ballistae is that there had been plans to add Silver Covenant NPCs around them, but due to all the drama regarding how poorly received Void Elves were and how much feedback Blizzard had been receiving about High Elves as an Allied Race, they doubled-down on sticking to their guns. Leaving the Ballistae would’ve been nothing more than window dressing at best, or at worst a spiteful and snide little smirk at that crowd. “Here are your High Elves. Or are they? Are they here or not? Guess you’ll never know, have fun debating this for the next year.”

I doubt even Blizzard is inept enough to forget blue is the Alliance color.

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That and I thought they also had red Thalassian siege weaponry there?

I don’t know, there were blood elven ballistae in the Scourge invasion heritage quests too. One of many examples of Blizzard conflating blood and high elf content.

I don’t remember any, which is why I’d put it down to a mistake. Lor’themar and Shandris were the field commanders in charge of besieging the city, and I can’t imagine his contribution to the battle was intended to be invisible high elves.

I tried finding a quest on Youtube but it didn’t give a very good view of the battlefield. Just seems weird for the Blood Elves to field blue siege weaponry, especially when they have better that is red.

The biggest army - visually - was the night elfen army in suramar. (In Lore we don´t know…but visually the night elf army were the biggest one there), and we had most of the siege weapons from them.

i think it should look cool, a little bit purple, a little bit red a little bit blue…tada, perfekt mix of all different things.

My point exactly. Since Lor’themar and Shandris were in charge of besieging Orgrimmar, and the siege engines they employed were split between Darnassian and Thalassian flavors, I can only assume the latter was meant to be red.

I saw Dwarven and Goblin Siege Engines as well.

Or maybe they were meant to be High Elf ballistae because High Elves are part of the Alliance and were participating in the assault.

Assuming that lore that you don’t like is just a mistake and subsequently ignoring it on that basis sets a really bad precedent.


Now I think of it, I can’t even remember if Darnassian glaive throwers were there. I just remember Lor’themar Theron heading up his siege of Orgrimmar with a bunch of blue ballistae.

He was there standing next to Tyrande who was also next to the blue ballistae. Here, I’ll show you the youtube video I found.

There’s the final Gilneas quest. Those are all manned I think

Or maybe the blue ones are just hard coded Alliance/unfriend to Horde and they didnt want to bother recoding it and just used the red one.

Wow, there really were no kaldorei siege engines either. Bizarre (or very shrewd) that both elven leaders varnished their command post with ballistae belonging to neither of them.

They’re non-interactable phantoms.

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The elves have always been better scouts then siegers, besides there were other Alliance leaders that can leader said charge.

Being I never did the quest do those balistae actually shoot/move? I’m pretty sure the blue one are just static decorations.

Yeah, they’re just phantom decorations lining the Dead Scar, most in blue. The actual “Silvermoon ballistae” you see mowing down Scourge are only in red; I don’t think a blue version even exists in the files. It’s that blood elf glaive thrower from IoC.

If we look at the Alliance siege weapons that Sylvanas destroys in the BFA trailer, they’re very clearly crewed. I think it’s more an issue of Blizzard forgetting to add crews/drivers for most of the ingame appearances.

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