SI:7 Lost in the Woods bugged

I’ve abandoned the quest multiple times , I’ve relogged in . I’ve done pandaland many times on my main and other alts so ik how to do this quest .

What happens is I go to the pearlfin village and I talk to the nelf dude to start their story chain quests where they each have funny lil story’s that you play as as quests. Well when I pick up the quest it auto teleports me . Then nothing happens so I have to fly back to even have the option to click the "please cont your story " then he teleports me again still nothing happens .

I cannot finish this pandaland questchain it will NOT progress. I was able to do all the intro quests fine up to this point . But it’s just stuck and won’t work .

Guess I’ll have to spam dungeons and pvp for now .

As of Friday (3 days ago), Support does not have any ETA for a fix for this quest blocker. There is no known workaround.

For context, this bug was made public in the PTR in early January without a fix, and accordingly escaped to Retail. A considerable number of player have expressed being blocked by the bug since then. The current PTR build (33115, the same as the Retail version) still has the bug.

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O myyyy well ty for the Info this sucks but at least ik it’s a well known problem now

We have confirmation the Horde-equivalent quest could be completed as of 1-30-20. Please try again, as the SI:7 Alliance version might be fixed as well.

Lol ofc now that I’m in legion content ofc now it works LOL :upside_down_face: Ty tho for the info .