No! If you don’t like it stop paying your subscription and stop playing. That’s your only option the end
Already an update they are planning to remove the gear
Yup, Arcanamus woulda been out a whole lotta money rofl
Where did you see the update?
It was posted in game
Ah that’s why I missed it. Was in BWL when everything went down, gunna let me friend know who’s hyped he got his last tier pieces that’s they’re getting removed to ruin his evening at work lmao
Ya, it basically said they are working on a fix and to not delete any old gear as the gear purchased off the vendor will be removed.
People have already LOADED up on Nexus Crystals from buying gear then DEing, deeply disturbing stuff.
Roll back to phase 1 sod that was the most fun i have ever had in wow
Dial it back a bit
The integrity of the game has been exploited AGAIN! There is nothing to dial back with that observation.
They have like 20 times before what makes this time any different lol???
They literally caught sodapoppin buying gold twice. The first time they banned him and unbanned him same day. The second time “ON STREAM” they just removed his gold.
you’re crazy if you think they wouldn’t do some mentally unstable things
Wonder if SoD allows you to restore characters that you delete (Retail does)…technically the character wouldn’t be ‘active’ and probably wouldn’t show up in a search of the logs (if those logs even exist).
Should just add the vendors back and make it ‘a thing’ that previous raid tier sets will be available. - They probably won’t catch everyone; bought the gear then deleted it for Item Restoration, bought the gear then laundered it through Molten and Draconic (so Draconic → Molten → Draconic), bought it and character transferred if that’s still possible, or if possible, bought it and deleted character to restore character at a later date.
They have never taken exploited progress gain away since SoD started. I don’t think Blizzard does on any game.
Do you like to make up things?
they have several times. they literally did on retail when some of the next tier gear was dropping from world content. they also regularly ban people for exploiting obvious bugs.
Does it matter? Who cares, Its sod lol.
I want to see the alliance running around in warlord gear lol
They do care seems they removed the NPC by the looks of it. But went silent. This is the result of having very few people but having 5 other versions and pretending that it isnt milking the already drained cow to death.
Sorta how the people exploited the incursions and absolutely nothing happened…it was too late months ago…