It’s clear that we’re not on the same page, you’re nervous for some reason I don’t know. Anyway, I still don’t think your idea is viable.
I mentioned three other ideas that would help in this case. But these are just opinions, there’s no need to be aggressive.
What if the reason dampening went to that level was because the healer failed to identify their opportunity to win the round
There is indeed more to healing than being the dedicated healthbar refiller and at some point it can be better to force cc or just shove damage into somebody to score a kill.
Ok, you guys win. The game mode is fine. I hope you enjoy it.
Shuffle sucks
People don’t deserve free rating
Healer mmr could use a buff
I don’t think that this is a fair way of responding to valid criticisms.
Yeah, if both healers were given free mmr in any noticeable capacity just for going even it’d break the mode.
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It’s a forum thread. You’ll live. 
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So…if healers gain more mmr than normal, eventually the healers move up the bracket and what would the low bracket games look like?
the queues would be huge, right?
I think healers should enter all brackets, to improve all queues timer for everyone, but in brackets with lower mmr than theirs, they shouldn’t lose mmr.
It’d basically have to be an increase so subtle that most healers wouldn’t notice, and even then it could be damaging, yet wouldn’t improve morale. If every healer got, say, 15 points just for going 3-3 then every healer gets shoved up so violently it’d make crimson look like a joke.
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Which, correct me if I’m wrong, would mean that long term the bottom half of the ladder is worse off while the top half of the ladder might have faster ques but the quality of game would become much worse as there would be healers in games with dps they have no business being in
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yes, like, there would be healers without much experience in higher brackets just because their scores were much, much higher than they should have been.
I still think that winning mmr this way is wrong, they should only give rewards in gold and make all healers enter smaller brackets, this would improve the queues of all brackets, HOWEVER, the healer who enters a smaller mmr bracket to which they belongs, they would not lose mmr.
This would prevent healers, for example, of 2k rank, when entering a 1k rank bracket match, from losing points just because the players there are beginners or without equipment yet.