Sh*ts getting old

Can’t say I’m a fan of all these guys running around trailing mobs only to drop them on people who are engaged fighting a single mob either you get overwhelmed by the sheer number increase or you get no loot as they are usually faction tagged not to mention repair costs and time wasted corpse running , if you don’t want to engage with a mob sneak around it or go a different way

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It can be annoying when it happens, but you only really get agro on them if you hit them in some way. I know it’s unavoidable sometimes if you already have aoe going or have attacks with cleave, but you can mitigate by making sure to only use single target attacks if a group goes by like that. Takes a bit of spatial awareness to see them coming sometimes, but it’s the only advice I can really offer. Sorry. :frowning:

not necessarily. I’ve been on toons which haven’t hit mobs at all yet somehow they all come and focus me instead of following the one they are following.


Vast majority of the time you are hitting them somehow either accidentally or just not realizing it. For instance someone who hasn’t played a warlock in a long time may not realize that voidwalkers have an aoe taunt. Or perhaps a newer fury warrior may not realize that whirlwind turns subsequent single target attacks into cleaves, hitting Blood Boil at the wrong time, etc.

Of course there are instances where this isn’t the case, a mob seeking help from it’s nearby friends that pulls others into the fight as they run by, or a variety of situations. But the point of my post wasn’t so much that it’s 100% avoidable, just that more awareness of what you’re doing and of what your character is capable of can go a long way toward mitigating it. :slight_smile:

i have this happen to me frequently while levelling, best advice i can give is to simply keep your cds handy for when it happens, i normally just heroic leap tf away

How about a Night Elf Prot Warrior in WM on, sitting shadowmelded near the Sanguine Depths flightpath in Revendreth… with Dragon Charge specced?

This flightpath is right next to a cliff off the edge of the continent…


Sounds like a legend!

And I find, 99% of the time the people dragging those mobs through you are two druids, one mounted on the other, running around farming herbs.