I am here!
Oh yeah forgot bout bag of tricks lol. Well the cloak will have me busy least till this weekend can lessen the grind for that next week thankfully
Look at all these cuties
I am become fluffy tail.
White is probably the best colour for the monk aesthetic, but I must tell you your scarf doesn’t fit anymore.
But are you bright eyed?
All you guys looking amazing!! I can’t wait until I unlock mines keep them coming!
Someone ask to show their cute foxes.
Fur the Horde
Fur the Horde!
Fur the horde. Got my other to finally show up
Classy name.
I just couldn’t resist but thank you
Race changed my main.
I have this shaman and a 120 monk.
I just love seeing the difference in vulpera names compared to everyone else.
awoooo! hello
[Pandaren hunter australian shepherd]
Whatever is going on, i hate it, but it’s adorable! Good boy good boy, here fido here’s the treat !
Someone ask to show their cute foxes.
Fur the Horde
Is your name Vulpe Slurpus or Vulpes Lupus?
Same, this Shaman and a 120 Monk! :3
Stuck on worgs with everyone else
how are people having a problem with this? a couple hours after the patch went live i got this done no problem. took all of 5-10 minutes to do all the quests in the twighlight highlands