Unlike Pinkylee’s old pink-mix 'mog, Pharazon’s purple splendor was already perfection so it has not been touched.
Saaaaame, why do all tabards tuck in like that?
BTW, you look adorable of course
I only see red.
YES. You are gorgeous!
You look absolutely fantastic!
It’d be cool if the skirt made the dangly go away like full skirt bottoms do. The tabard adds a nice texture to the Love Witch chest but between the belt and the skirt, it feels kinda unusable. Still my new favorite tabard though.
That’s gorgeous!
gd, that is one suave mike foxtrot
also, and I don’t particularly know why, but I feel like I need to listen to this song as I scroll through these beautiful mogs:
You know what, your Dwarf is totally pulling it off! It’s the beard that makes it, haha
Right? I always have clipping issues with dangly belts due to being a short character, I think just removing the dangly bit when you use a skirt or robe would solve all the issues. The tabard is really nice, though, I’ll definitely find use for it!
I tried to futz with the white set on the new Draenei skintone. Can’t decide if I like it or not. I don’t like how most boots look on Draenei, so I wanted to try with something of a higher boot.
Ty for fixing that
I got put in the corner and can’t post pictures for a while XD haha
Daaaaang, you look absolutely fabulous!
“We do what the living can not”
“…flaunt it”
Awe ty!
I wish trust level thrice folks got more 's to give…these kinds of threads always consume mine
I feel pretty! Oh so pretty!
My characters are ready for prom
goldshire has a uniform atm