Aww, how did I miss this thread up until now? Nice.
Fairy Princess Scruit is most pleased by this great mog
Of course, my character select screen doesn’t show it, nor does my profile. T.T
Literally shows me the transmog I had before this one. Oddly.
Wow. What top is that? From the horde-side darkshore warfront?
For the Khajit
Uh oh, you better watch out for Antifa. I hear they like to go after people like you.
I think it is.
Yes! it’s the Blightguards Chainmail (Elaborate) from the Darkshore Warfront.
The set looks super cute on my vulpera!
I want more.
Lol I love how the little lizard in the back gets scared and runs off!
Sure, when the armory updates.
Moolissa the Fabulous delivers
What you are is a crime.
“Honey. It’s my office Halloween party tonight. How’s this look?”