Show off them MOGS!

Mine is totally not unique and copied off wowhead. The winter beanie is all me and I like it.

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This is one Iā€™m hoping to get some day (if someone could post picture, thatā€™d be great):

That beefy as heck my man! 9/10.

Not a fan of either of those to be honest. First one is mostly generic kini-mog, but the low res and high res really pop out at you. The back blades kinda steal the show. 2nd is just all over the place. Those legs donā€™t work with any of it.

I love the hat in both. Very nice touch! The one in the link is better matching set. I hope you have some luck in acquiring it!

Ah, Mr. Cow, when you say beefy, I think youā€™re looking in a mirror. lol. Colors are nice and blend well. Just that there is so much going on with it. Looks good, but itā€™s too busy in my opinion.

Mine is I threw this together while only being able to play for 5 mins. Haha, I have better ones just sick of seeing them.

Iā€™m trying to look broken down and disheveled like a old corpse any suggestions are welcomed.

hereā€™s my current look. not sold on the helm though. any suggestions?

I agree with your helm feelings its just a tad off.

Crew cut. Goatee. Dark shades. Other players will know you mean business. Helmetā€™s are unnecessary.

I like how this looks but Iā€™m curious to see what others think.

Oh I think you know heheā€¦superb 10/10 perfect color match and the look is just sick - well done Nightrider!

Very Nice!

Red dragon warrior

Is your body supposed to look like it is glitched out? Honest question.

As for my mog, well, I roleplay as a paladin whose crisis of faith left him unable to use the Holy Light.

something happened last maint. my chest armor glitches on apps.

I like classic stylings.

I just started WoW and I think I look pretty cool :man_shrugging:
