Show me your warrior names

I can’t seem to level a warrior. I like my healers.

My name is the last thing my enemies see on the battlefield.

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My only boy toon. All of my characters have names that start with “Meri,” and this is what I came up with. I still like it.

I hate to break it to you, but no, it doesn’t. The Latin thing, maybe, but it has no meaning in German - at least not modern German. Kriegerin would be “warrior maiden”, or the closest thing to it.

Yes, it does:

Well, what do I know, I only learned to both speak and read the language, lived in Munich for a couple of years, and pulled a second major in post-war German literature. You go with the website.

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I will and if you’re an educated person then you should know that words and meanings have changed over the past few hundred years or more than one word can mean the same thing. Every naming website I look at says “Armina” means “warrior maiden.”

The name itself looks latinized although I’m not sure how influenced modern German names are by Latin.

Lagertha’s actual name was Hlathgerthr, pronounced Hloth-gair-ther. Lol.

So Lagertha itself has no actual meaning in Norse or any language (because it is Latinized) although Hlathgerthr does.

An alt. Namesake of various ancient Greek notables and a minor pirate character in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra.

Stompy…your potato names get me every time.

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Mine is just a tongue in cheek play on my usual RPG name.

Well I win obviously

To be honest ,the name Kilmemore ,i chose is because my bro. kept killing me jumping from heights while riding with him .So now he can all he wants.

ANOTHER gnome!! :triumph:

May be a little too on the nose for a void elf :slight_smile:



Technically its an rp name but here i am.

For anyone curious Eserei is felsavior if she didn’t sacrifice everything to become a demon hunter.

I also have Razorsong as a nelf warrior and Razorheart as a HMT warrior.

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Someone get me a bronze dragon because this is a threesome I need to jump in on!

Haven’t logged on him at all this expansion, but here’s mine.