Show me your druid transmogs

This is my homage to the Night Fae - it’s the Blackrock Foundry Mythic Druid set I believe, but the design and colors are spot on for Ardenweald. I seem to fit right in when
I joined.

Yes, I have this many druids, now ask how many Hunters I have… :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Unfortunately it seems the armory doesn’t want to show me off

Pretty sure I’ve got a few pieces of leveling gear mucking the actual transmog up anyway, though

Ah here we go, luckily I had an alt using the same transmog!

Aha! I see you exercising your right to bear arms!

ʻcause you got Bear arms over your real ar…

shutting up now


Here is Syvia…Living Wood Mythic WINGS!!! spaulders & things to hopefully look good with them!

I will be adding my other druids now for you too. Not ALL my other druids…(this XPack druids just feel best to me in the mountless maw & nasty terrains, lol.)

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Sup fam, tryna furry

I really like that.

I’m a big fan of the Antorus set with the LFR tint. Even covers up troll feet! Pair it up with the white werebear skin and the white moonspirit cat form, obviously.árikade

I hope the character changed from Syvia. I love the KT forms & Haymaking in PVP, but the puffy humans do not feel good to me & the Male KT faces also feel wrong so I have to cover up as much as possible, lol.

Had to have a KT for Maldraxxus transmogs though!

Less druid-y more KT, but I still like it.

Syvia’s druid for Venthyr :slight_smile:

Here’s my Tauren Druid who was my main (Resto/Boomkin) from BC to MoP.
(May still play her this expansion as an alt)

This druid has been difficult for me to find something I enjoy but this I like. Mostly in moonkin form so the cracked egg is the only thing you see often.

And another nothing special alt of Syvia’s

First druid ever… back when bear/cat was a fun thing!

My xmog is nothing special but I spend most of my time in my Forms anyway so that’s that.

Sure thing

Might turn to maining on this because resto druid convoke is so much better than anything my resto shammy gets

Behold, the best druid transmog