Should we have Skinwalkers in WoW?

Trolls will need to be next. Their use of Vodou is based too heavily on old myths about the practice.

No, the main problem is the trolls being genocidal canon fodder, and important loa like Dambala being villain-batted.

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Yeah, but it’s different for several reasons.

1 - The Navajo people really don’t like to discuss Skinwalkers with people outside their culture. It’s one thing to draw inspiration from a culture to create a fantasy race, it’s an entirely different thing to specifically run over a culture’s boundaries and do the thing they don’t want with their culture.

They don’t want to share this element of their culture with the rest of the world. We should respect that.

2 - There’s also a matter of Zeitgeist. The Tauren were added to WoW in 2004, when the world was largely unconcerned with concepts like cultural appropriation. If WoW were to decide to add Skinwalkers to the game, they wouldn’t get a time machine and do it in 2004. They would do it now.


I mean. Just keep it general.

Dont use the terminology. Dont copy/paste what others believe irl.

Just leave it at “creepy shape shifters”, but give it its own lore within WoW. A reason to differentiate them from just “bad druids”.

Is it the name or the concept of the myth? Can Blizzard add a creature with the name Skin-Walker and change all of the elements. However, if Blizzard was to add a npc that had all the attributes down to being related to Tauren beliefs is that appropriate?

Blizzard has used names on many NPCs and changed the background of it. It name alone or myths behind that are insensitive?

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Hmm… what about Wendigos? I’m certain there’s a sizeable population of them on Zul’Dare–

Dammnit! :robot::right_anger_bubble:

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We need a Monkey King class so people can point out its a rip off of DBZ and not Journey to the West.

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I think it would be OK to make a generic group of hostile shapeshifters and not use the word “skinwalker”, because shapeshifters are not unique to this particular culture, so it’s fair game.

But here’s the thing: From what I can find on that wikipedia article, these Skinwalkers are a type of hostile witch that shapeshifts. If you make a generic version of this without using the word Skinwalker, you end up with an evil Druid.

So just use evil Druids.

Heck, the Drust are right there.


There’s the slippery slope though that if you borrow too much of those elements, just not the name, then you can have someone claim that it’s culture appropriation.

It would be safest to borrow from cultures that have not survived. Only cause they’re no one left to object.

When is the new season of Skinwalker Ranch?

nothing in wow has scared me more than the black screen and scream mechanic with the sha of fear questline under temple of niuzao

I didn’t play in MoP, so I haven’t experienced this (if it’s not part of the cloak questline I imagine it’s still there, but I think I’ll wait for MoP classic to experience it), but now I want a WoW horror game. Not like I know what the premise would even be, but I enjoy horror, I enjoy WoW, why not both? :dracthyr_a1:

This is just silly.


Horror is hard to pull off, at this point in wows life we have beaten the forces of hell back, We have pushed back Eldritch horrors. So something as (no offense meant) mundane as a skinwalker wouldn’t really have that scary effect.

Personally a good horror arc would be fun, though maybe to hard to pull off now.

And there’s the basis for Undead Druids

Navajo & Cherokee cultures are much much older than that.

Also, saying its name out loud attracts it to you kind of like Candleja-


Doesn’t mean the mentions of skinwalkers are that old. Either way they didn’t have any contact at that point so it doesn’t matter. They both came up with it on their own.


You think if WoW uses an element from a culture that people on the internet wouldn’t throw a fit just because they found out the developer was from that culture?