Should we anoint Warrior Worst Class ATM?

RWF guilds used arms until 4pc, then most of them swapped to Fury except for certain fights where arms performed better such as LoD until it was nerfed. Arms is performing as it should be based on the numbers. However, other classes benefit much more from their 4pc and 2nd lego interaction.

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Oh they swap after they got 4p, i just assume they already had it with all the splits runs they did to farm tier. And true, i forgot the change they made for LoD, arm used the sweeping strike whirlwind talent in big aoe damage phase. Maybe we gonna see tier changes after a few weeks of people be able to craft 4p from the construct thing.

Thanks for the info bud.

In terms of raid damage, warrior is indeed the very bottom of the list. It’s a numerical fact that can be seen on wowhead front page. My only hope now is the devs see this and give us extra love in 10.0 but I doubt it…

I have 3 chars that are 11/11 normal and 5/11 heroic in sfo. Arms, DH, and Destro warlock. I have to work harder to try and manage to get the same dps as my DH and Destro and yet it still falls behind, Very sad. Arms does less damage, has less self heals/sustain, a clunky rotation until you get 4pc, and less mobility. It’s actually garbage tbh. I love the warrior fantasy and made that char in vanilla but it is what it is, the worst choice of my 3 dps. But hey at least we can tank fairly well, lol.

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Arms doesn’t change with 4-set. Windfury has a bigger effect on its rotation than the 4-set does.


The class is in ruins.


Blahblah, you can say that about any spec, it doesn’t help anything it’s just one of those pointless “nice thoughts”. It does matter whats happening at the high end because like it or not that top end is 100% what creates the community perception. This is determined by what the top players are doing (and the guides that are written by them or based on what they’re doing), everyone else just mimics them and invites based on them even when it’s not required to for easier content.

So your little nice thought does nothing to help people get invites, and no matter what key levels your doing, you will have a much harder time getting invites if the community perception is that the spec is bad and no one is playing it at the top levels.

Umm…Fury is the second highest played DPS spec in Mythic raiding right now. Right behind Balance Druids and just above MM hunters

In M+ Fury is the 10th (out of 24) most represented dps in 25+ keys

And Fury is one of the higher represented melee PvP specs as well…

They’re being played at the top levels sir.

warrs will never be worst class, also arms is sneaky hot

Even then, prot Warr are not really wanted in higher keys.


Sadly true.

so many down debbies in here

There is such a huge difference between my dk and my warrior in feel. Dk is much better geared, but when they were close dk felt much more sustainable. Warrior just melted on some pulls when tanking.

I feel like my damage in m+ as arms is honestly fine. I’m not so far behind the dk that it’s alarming. I’ve messed around with dirt a bit and I’ve had some fury warriors pump numbers in my groups. Is it warlock/survival aoe? No…

The mechanics are fun, I just wish they would smooth out damage intake or maybe visit victory rush somehow so we can be a little less healer reliant.

Dk solo’d last boss on spires 18 last night from like 10% health on tyrannical week. Warrior would have been melted in like 30 seconds on a +12. Again, probably 7-8 Ilvl difference but come on…

In PVE, sure… but I looked at the graphs. Honestly, the balance is pretty good right now. I’m using Heroic overall as the standard, but Mythic isn’t too bad either.

There’s a handful of under performers, but the vast majority of classes are close enough to each other in Heroic. Fury performs at the bottom of a very large pack of classes that are all reasonably close to each other - the top of which is the best performing DPS overall.

[Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft](h ttps://

PvP… is another story.

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Your link sucks, dont use overall statistics… only use 90th or 95th percentile. Also dont use heroic… no1 who actually is playing a class at max performance is doing heroic at this point. When you adjust your logs accordingly, you’ll see fury (well both war dps specs), are performing very poorly and below the average.

What makes it more alarming is if you change the stats for boss damage (a.k.a. ST). Both arms and fury are absolutely garbage. Fury doesn’t need an aura buff… just slight adjustment for more single target damage to balance its damage profile (since we obviously aren’t AoE kings anymore either).


Arms Warrior was definitely on top in 8.3

Then they decided the mastery was too good and fun ^not in line with how warrior should work and killed it.

Also, 95th percentile on Heroic by Per Second Amounts:

Every spec of Rogue is below fury. Affliction is dismal. Stop whining about Warrior. Start whining about Destruction.

And you don’t use Mythic numbers because of low sample sizes. Worst advice I read today.

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You 110% use mythic always, as this is the class played properly, and that is what balanced should be based around.

No class should have zero specs that are highly competitive; this is not about warriors, this is about game balance. They have buffed 2 warlock specs that were already above us while leaving us with nothing. I keep seeing boomkins/BMs complaining while they fail to understand they have DPS specs that are far ahead of warriors; this where the issue lies and the frustration.

If my character can do 15k and yours can do 17, there is a balance issue. 16.5k and 17k is not a balance issue, for perspective, and at that point the 16.5er crying is just a lack of reality.

There is a massive, massive gap between the top spec for each class and DPS warriors as a whole. This is an issue, it is not “ok” because fury is popular or heroic parses don’t align, as no one cares about their ability to get into a heroic group but many of us do care about not holding our team back. A great example of this is that my team brings me because I do my job well mechanically, listen and contribute; the reality is that if I wanted to play my warlock, I would be more useful to my team 110% with no debate even occurring as we have a prot warrior for shout.

^ This is sad, and they need to fix it.


Not sure why you’re using heroic as a standard but you have a complete lack of idea how to look at logs if you think results are in am okay spot at this point…

Even I thought so a few months ago and I was pretty wrong.


Sneaky hot at what? The LFR you’re smashing because you got a gavel out of a quest box? Lol.

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Like Blood DK outpacing Unholy and Frost, despite Fury overperforming Prot?

Same can be said about DH.

(Fury is above all three of these damage options, btw.)

Or Retribution licking the bottom meters with Arms, Outlaw, Assassination, BM, and Affliction.

Fury never deserved the nerf. The lows are too low and the highs are too high, and that’s thanks to poor decisions going into the 4pc bonuses. They gave some bonuses the golden child treatment, while others they threw at walls until the community compromised with anything better than what they got (BrM bonuses). But no “one spec” is the red headed stepchild (except maybe affliction, who has been consistently beat down since 9.0). Go to virtually every other class forum and you read the same messages – Blizz hates Ferals! WW is not viable! When can I play Outlaw again and why is BF still capped!?

Destruction pulling as far away as it does is terrible for balance. And the same can be said for Sub and Survival. But that’s also in part because there’s no reason to play the inferior damage role when you have near instant access to the superior one – the Affs and Outlaws just all respec to perform, which pulls away the distribution farther. There are fewer good Outlaws and Affs to pull up the curve. And you see this same issue with Fury and Arms.

Blizzard had this problem since 9.0 and before (e.g. Azerite trait stacking). You could have played a perfectly optimized Fire Mage or Feral Druid, or you could have played the type of Fire Mage or Feral Druid you wanted to be, often following the “pick the covenant you enjoy” logic. And in those cases you would be upwards of 30-40% away from your counterparts. There was enough time devoted for every spec to have at least one “meta” option, so you didn’t see it as much in the parses, but the problem was still alive and present.

Again, you just see the imbalances more because of some set bonuses playing too nicely with strong kits, and others just being icing (or in the case of WW, compensation for poor late stage tuning on core skills like FoF).

You read the forums too much while not looking for actual data; none of the listed specs except BM are below fury factually, as in mathematically, so your entire rant afterwards is wrong. Frost DK is literally 2nd overall with Ret/DH being basically tied middle of the pack.

Fury is 18th of 24, Arms is 23rd of 24, all classes have a spec decently ahead of warriors besides Windwalkers, who also need a buff.